Coin Logo Coin3D is Free Software,
published under the BSD 3-clause license.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::InputDeviceBase class for devices such as the Keyboard and Mouse. It can be subclassed to support other devices
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::KeyboardTranslation of keyboard events on the QuarterWidget
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::MouseTranslation of mouse events on the QuarterWidget
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::QtDesigner::QuarterWidgetPluginThe QuarterWidgetPlugin makes the QuarterWidget available to QT designer
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::QuarterWidgetMain class in Quarter. It provides a widget for Coin rendering. It provides scenegraph management and event handling
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::DragDropHandlerThe DragDropHandler event filter provides drag and drop functionality to the QuarterWidget
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::FocusHandlerThe FocusHandler eventfilter provides Coin with focus in and focus out events, if installed on QuarterWidget
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::QtDesigner::QuarterWidgetPluginThe QuarterWidgetPlugin makes the QuarterWidget available to QT designer