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Coin3D is Free Software, published under the BSD 3-clause license. |
https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/ http://www.kongsberg.com/kogt/ |
The SoQtPlaneViewer class is for examining 3D models by moving the camera in orthogonal planes. More...
#include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtPlaneViewer.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SoQtPlaneViewer (QWidget *parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, SbBool embed=TRUE, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag=BUILD_ALL, SoQtViewer::Type type=BROWSER) | |
~SoQtPlaneViewer () | |
virtual void | setViewing (SbBool enable) |
virtual void | setCamera (SoCamera *camera) |
virtual void | setCursorEnabled (SbBool enable) |
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void | setDecoration (const SbBool on) |
SbBool | isDecoration (void) const |
void | setPopupMenuEnabled (const SbBool on) |
SbBool | isPopupMenuEnabled (void) const |
QWidget * | getAppPushButtonParent (void) const |
void | addAppPushButton (QWidget *newButton) |
void | insertAppPushButton (QWidget *newButton, int index) |
void | removeAppPushButton (QWidget *oldButton) |
int | findAppPushButton (QWidget *oldButton) const |
int | lengthAppPushButton (void) const |
QWidget * | getRenderAreaWidget (void) const |
virtual void | setComponentCursor (const SoQtCursor &cursor) |
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SoCamera * | getCamera (void) const |
virtual void | setCameraType (SoType type) |
SoType | getCameraType (void) const |
virtual void | toggleCameraType (void) |
virtual void | viewAll (void) |
virtual void | saveHomePosition (void) |
virtual void | resetToHomePosition (void) |
virtual void | setHeadlight (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isHeadlight (void) const |
SoDirectionalLight * | getHeadlight (void) const |
virtual void | setDrawStyle (SoQtViewer::DrawType type, SoQtViewer::DrawStyle style) |
SoQtViewer::DrawStyle | getDrawStyle (const SoQtViewer::DrawType type) const |
virtual void | setBufferingType (SoQtViewer::BufferType type) |
SoQtViewer::BufferType | getBufferingType (void) const |
SbBool | isViewing (void) const |
SbBool | isCursorEnabled (void) const |
void | setAutoClipping (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isAutoClipping (void) const |
void | setAutoClippingStrategy (const AutoClippingStrategy strategy, const float value=0.6f, SoQtAutoClippingCB *cb=NULL, void *cbuserdata=NULL) |
virtual void | setStereoViewing (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isStereoViewing (void) const |
virtual void | setStereoOffset (const float dist) |
float | getStereoOffset (void) const |
SbBool | setStereoType (SoQtViewer::StereoType s) |
SoQtViewer::StereoType | getStereoType (void) const |
void | setAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (const SbBool left[3], const SbBool right[3]) |
void | getAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (SbBool left[3], SbBool right[3]) |
void | setDetailSeek (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isDetailSeek (void) const |
void | setSeekTime (const float seconds) |
float | getSeekTime (void) const |
void | addStartCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addFinishCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeStartCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeFinishCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | setWireframeOverlayColor (const SbColor &color) |
const SbColor & | getWireframeOverlayColor (void) const |
virtual void | setDoubleBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
virtual void | setSceneGraph (SoNode *root) |
virtual SoNode * | getSceneGraph (void) |
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SoQtRenderArea (QWidget *parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool embed=TRUE, SbBool mouseInput=TRUE, SbBool keyboardInput=TRUE) | |
~SoQtRenderArea () | |
void | setOverlaySceneGraph (SoNode *scene) |
SoNode * | getOverlaySceneGraph (void) |
void | setBackgroundColor (const SbColor &color) |
const SbColor & | getBackgroundColor (void) const |
void | setBackgroundIndex (int idx) |
int | getBackgroundIndex (void) const |
void | setOverlayBackgroundIndex (int idx) |
int | getOverlayBackgroundIndex (void) const |
void | setColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors) |
void | setOverlayColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors) |
void | setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion) |
const SbViewportRegion & | getViewportRegion (void) const |
void | setTransparencyType (SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type) |
SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType | getTransparencyType (void) const |
void | setAntialiasing (SbBool smoothing, int numPasses) |
void | getAntialiasing (SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const |
void | setClearBeforeRender (SbBool enable, SbBool zbEnable=TRUE) |
SbBool | isClearBeforeRender (void) const |
SbBool | isClearZBufferBeforeRender (void) const |
void | setClearBeforeOverlayRender (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isClearBeforeOverlayRender (void) const |
void | setAutoRedraw (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isAutoRedraw (void) const |
void | setRedrawPriority (uint32_t priority) |
uint32_t | getRedrawPriority (void) const |
void | render (void) |
void | renderOverlay (void) |
void | scheduleRedraw (void) |
void | scheduleOverlayRedraw (void) |
void | redrawOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection) |
void | redrawOverlayOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection) |
void | setEventCallback (SoQtRenderAreaEventCB *func, void *user=NULL) |
void | setSceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager) |
SoSceneManager * | getSceneManager (void) const |
void | setOverlaySceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager) |
SoSceneManager * | getOverlaySceneManager (void) const |
void | setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
SoGLRenderAction * | getGLRenderAction (void) const |
void | setOverlayGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
SoGLRenderAction * | getOverlayGLRenderAction (void) const |
SbBool | sendSoEvent (const SoEvent *event) |
void | registerDevice (SoQtDevice *device) |
void | unregisterDevice (SoQtDevice *device) |
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void | setBorder (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isBorder (void) const |
SbBool | isDoubleBuffer (void) const |
void | setDrawToFrontBufferEnable (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isDrawToFrontBufferEnable (void) const |
void | setQuadBufferStereo (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isQuadBufferStereo (void) const |
void | setAccumulationBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | getAccumulationBuffer (void) const |
void | setStencilBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | getStencilBuffer (void) const |
void | setAlphaChannel (const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | getAlphaChannel (void) const |
void | setOverlayRender (const SbBool onoff) |
SbBool | isOverlayRender (void) const |
void | setSampleBuffers (const int numsamples) |
int | getSampleBuffers (void) const |
void | setStealFocus (SbBool enable) |
SbBool | isStealFocus (void) const |
QWidget * | getGLWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getNormalWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getOverlayWidget (void) const |
SbBool | hasOverlayGLArea (void) const |
SbBool | hasNormalGLArea (void) const |
unsigned long | getOverlayTransparentPixel (void) |
void | getPointSizeLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity) |
void | getLineWidthLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity) |
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virtual | ~SoQtComponent () |
virtual void | show (void) |
virtual void | hide (void) |
SbBool | isFullScreen (void) const |
SbBool | setFullScreen (const SbBool onoff) |
SbBool | isVisible (void) |
SbBool | isTopLevelShell (void) const |
QWidget * | getWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getBaseWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getShellWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getParentWidget (void) const |
void | setSize (const SbVec2s size) |
SbVec2s | getSize (void) const |
void | setTitle (const char *const title) |
const char * | getTitle (void) const |
void | setIconTitle (const char *const title) |
const char * | getIconTitle (void) const |
const char * | getWidgetName (void) const |
const char * | getClassName (void) const |
void | setWindowCloseCallback (SoQtComponentCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
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virtual SoType | getTypeId (void) const =0 |
SbBool | isOfType (SoType type) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
SoQtPlaneViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *const name, SbBool embed, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag, SoQtViewer::Type type, SbBool build) | |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
virtual const char * | getDefaultWidgetName (void) const |
virtual const char * | getDefaultTitle (void) const |
virtual const char * | getDefaultIconTitle (void) const |
virtual SbBool | processSoEvent (const SoEvent *const event) |
virtual void | setSeekMode (SbBool enable) |
virtual void | actualRedraw (void) |
virtual void | bottomWheelStart (void) |
virtual void | bottomWheelMotion (float value) |
virtual void | bottomWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | leftWheelStart (void) |
virtual void | leftWheelMotion (float value) |
virtual void | leftWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | rightWheelStart (void) |
virtual void | rightWheelMotion (float value) |
virtual void | rightWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | createViewerButtons (QWidget *parent, SbPList *buttons) |
virtual void | afterRealizeHook (void) |
virtual void | computeSeekFinalOrientation (void) |
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SoQtFullViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, BuildFlag flag, Type type, SbBool build) | |
~SoQtFullViewer () | |
virtual void | sizeChanged (const SbVec2s &size) |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
virtual void | buildDecoration (QWidget *parent) |
virtual QWidget * | buildLeftTrim (QWidget *parent) |
virtual QWidget * | buildBottomTrim (QWidget *parent) |
virtual QWidget * | buildRightTrim (QWidget *parent) |
QWidget * | buildAppButtons (QWidget *parent) |
QWidget * | buildViewerButtons (QWidget *parent) |
virtual void | buildPopupMenu (void) |
virtual void | setPopupMenuString (const char *title) |
virtual void | openPopupMenu (const SbVec2s position) |
float | getLeftWheelValue (void) const |
void | setLeftWheelValue (const float value) |
float | getBottomWheelValue (void) const |
void | setBottomWheelValue (const float value) |
float | getRightWheelValue (void) const |
void | setRightWheelValue (const float value) |
void | setLeftWheelString (const char *const name) |
QWidget * | getLeftWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
void | setBottomWheelString (const char *const name) |
QWidget * | getBottomWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
void | setRightWheelString (const char *const name) |
const char * | getRightWheelString () const |
QWidget * | getRightWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
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SoQtViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, Type type, SbBool build) | |
~SoQtViewer () | |
SbBool | isSeekMode (void) const |
SbBool | seekToPoint (const SbVec2s screenpos) |
void | seekToPoint (const SbVec3f &scenepos) |
void | interactiveCountInc (void) |
void | interactiveCountDec (void) |
int | getInteractiveCount (void) const |
void | setSeekDistance (const float distance) |
float | getSeekDistance (void) const |
void | setSeekValueAsPercentage (const SbBool on) |
SbBool | isSeekValuePercentage (void) const |
virtual void | changeCameraValues (SoCamera *camera) |
void | addSuperimposition (SoNode *scene) |
void | removeSuperimposition (SoNode *scene) |
void | setSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene, const SbBool enable) |
SbBool | getSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene) const |
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SoQtRenderArea (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, SbBool mouseInput, SbBool keyboardInput, SbBool build) | |
virtual void | redraw (void) |
virtual void | redrawOverlay (void) |
virtual void | actualOverlayRedraw (void) |
virtual void | processEvent (QEvent *event) |
virtual void | initGraphic (void) |
virtual void | initOverlayGraphic (void) |
virtual void | widgetChanged (QWidget *widget) |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
virtual SbBool | glScheduleRedraw (void) |
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SoQtGLWidget (QWidget *const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE, const int glmodes=SO_GL_RGB, const SbBool build=TRUE) | |
~SoQtGLWidget () | |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
void | setGLSize (const SbVec2s size) |
SbVec2s | getGLSize (void) const |
float | getGLAspectRatio (void) const |
void | setGlxSize (const SbVec2s size) |
SbVec2s | getGlxSize (void) const |
float | getGlxAspectRatio (void) const |
void | setStereoBuffer (SbBool flag) |
SbBool | isStereoBuffer (void) const |
SbBool | isRGBMode (void) |
void | glLockNormal (void) |
void | glUnlockNormal (void) |
void | glLockOverlay (void) |
void | glUnlockOverlay (void) |
void | glSwapBuffers (void) |
void | glFlushBuffer (void) |
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SoQtComponent (QWidget *const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE) | |
void | setClassName (const char *const name) |
void | setBaseWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | registerWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | unregisterWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | addVisibilityChangeCallback (SoQtComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
void | removeVisibilityChangeCallback (SoQtComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
The SoQtPlaneViewer class is for examining 3D models by moving the camera in orthogonal planes.
The SoQtPlaneViewer is a viewer that is useful for "CAD-style" applications, where you want the end-user to examine your model with the viewpoint set from one of the three principal axes.
hold down left mousebutton and move mouse pointer to dolly (or hold both left and middle mousebuttons)
hold middle mousebutton to pan (or a CTRL-key plus left mousebutton, or a SHIFT-key plus left mousebutton)
hold down CTRL + middle mousebutton to rotate (or CTRL + SHIFT + the left mousebutton)
click 's', then pick with the left mousebutton to seek
right mousebutton open the popup menu
click 'ESC' key to switch to and from 'view' mode and 'scenegraph interaction' mode (see setViewing() documentation)
Hitting any of the X, Y or Z buttons in the panel on the right side of the render canvas will "flip" the current camera direction around it's focal point to point along the selected axis (towards negative infinity).
The SoQtPlaneViewer also provides a user decoration's button for toggling between orthographic or perspective camera view volumes and projection methods. This is the bottom-most click button on the right decoration border.
It also inherits the decoration buttons from the SoQtFullViewer: the arrow for switching to "scenegraph interaction" mode, the hand for setting back to "camera interaction" mode, the house for "reset camera to home position", the blueprint house for "set new camera home position", the eye for "zoom camera out to view full scene" and the flashlight for setting "click to seek" mode.
Note that a common faulty assumption about all the viewer-classes is that user interaction (in the "examine"-mode, not the scenegraph-interaction mode) influences the model or 3D-scene in the view. This is not correct, as it is always the viewer's camera that is translated and rotated.
The initial position of the camera is placed such that all of the scenegraph's geometry fits within it's view.
SoQtPlaneViewer::SoQtPlaneViewer | ( | QWidget * | parent = NULL , |
const char *const | name = NULL , |
SbBool | embed = TRUE , |
SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag | flag = BUILD_ALL , |
SoQtViewer::Type | type = BROWSER |
) |
The public constructor, to be used by application programmers who want to instantiate the plain, standard SoQtPlaneViewer.
SoQtPlaneViewer::~SoQtPlaneViewer | ( | ) |
The destructor. Cleans up all internal resources used by the SoQtPlaneViewer instance.
protected |
A protected constructor, to be used by application programmers who want to extend the SoQtPlaneViewer.
virtual |
Set view mode.
If the view mode is on, user events will be caught and used to influence the camera position / orientation. If view mode is off, all events in the viewer canvas (like for instance keypresses or mouseclicks and -movements) will be passed along to the scene graph.
Default is to have the view mode active.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
virtual |
Set the camera we want the viewer to manipulate when interacting with the viewer controls.
The camera passed in as an argument to this method must already be part of the viewer's scenegraph. You do not inject viewpoint cameras to the viewer with this method.
You should rather insert a camera into the scene graph first (if necessary, often one will be present already), then register it as the camera used by the viewer controls with this method.
If the application code doesn't explicitly set up a camera through this method, the viewer will automatically scan through the scenegraph to find a camera to use. If no camera is available in the scenegraph at all, it will set up it's own camera.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
virtual |
Set whether or not the mouse cursor representation should be visible in the viewer canvas.
Default value is on.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
protectedvirtual |
This method returns the default name of a component widget class.
It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes for the topmost widget in the component to have a proper name.
Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
protectedvirtual |
This method returns the default window caption string of the component.
It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes so the window and popup menu will get a proper title.
Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
protectedvirtual |
This method returns the default icon title of the component.
It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes so icons will get proper titles.
Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
protectedvirtual |
Toolkit-native events are attempted converted to Coin-generic events in the SoQtRenderArea::processEvent() method. If this succeeds, they are forwarded to this method.
This is a virtual method, and is overridden in it's subclasses to catch events of particular interest to the viewer classes, for instance.
Return TRUE
iff the event was processed. If not it should be passed on further up in the inheritance hierarchy by the caller. This last point is extremely important to take note of if you are expanding the toolkit with your own viewer class.
This method is not part of the original SGI InventorXt API. Note that you can still override the toolkit-native processEvent() method instead of this "generic" method.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Put the viewer in or out of "waiting-to-seek" mode.
If the user performs a mouse button click when the viewer is in "waiting-to-seek" mode, the camera will be repositioned so the camera focal point lies on the point of the geometry under the mouse cursor.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
protectedvirtual |
This method instantly redraws the normal (non-overlay) scenegraph by calling SoSceneManager::render().
Subclasses may override this method to add their own rendering before or after Coin renders it's scenegraph.
The following is a complete example that demonstrates one way of adding both a background image and foreground (overlay) geometry to the "normal" rendering:
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called when the user start to drag the thumbwheel in the bottom frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the bottom frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called as the user let go of the thumbwheel in the bottom frame after a drag operation. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called when the user start to drag the thumbwheel in the left frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the left frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called as the user let go of the thumbwheel in the left frame after a drag operation. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called when the user start to drag the thumbwheel in the right frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the right frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Called as the user let go of the thumbwheel in the right frame after a drag operation. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Set up the viewer buttons with pixmaps and event connections.
One important note if you want to override this method to add your own buttons to the list (in the explanation below, it is assumed that you know how virtual function table pointers are handled by C++):
createViewerButtons() is called (indirectly) from the constructors of the viewer classes. This means that you need to delay it's invocation until your own subclass's constructor is run, because otherwise your re-implementation won't have been added to the internal virtual function table yet.
Delaying a superclass viewer from building it's decorations is done by passing build==FALSE as the last argument of the protected constructors. You will then have to explicitly trigger the building in your own constructor.
Here's a minimal example that shows the steps needed to be able to override createViewerButtons() from SoQtExaminerViewer:
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
A function "hook" / callback invoked just after the window for the component has been realized.
Override this if you need specific initialization for your own component or viewer class to happen right after it has been made visible, but remember to call upwards in the inheritance hierarchy:
Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
protectedvirtual |
This method can be overridden in subclasses if the final orientation of the camera after a seek should be something other than what is computed in SoQtViewer::seekToPoint(const SbVec3f & scenepos)
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.