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SbBox3i32 Member List

This is the complete list of members for SbBox3i32, including all inherited members.

extendBy(const SbVec3i32 &pt) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
extendBy(const SbBox3i32 &bb) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
extendBy(const SbVec3f &pt) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
getBounds(int32_t &xmin, int32_t &ymin, int32_t &zmin, int32_t &xmax, int32_t &ymax, int32_t &zmax) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getBounds(SbVec3i32 &minpoint, SbVec3i32 &maxpoint) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getCenter(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getClosestPoint(const SbVec3f &pt) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
getMax(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getMax(void) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getMin(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getMin(void) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getOrigin(int32_t &originX, int32_t &originY, int32_t &originZ) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getSize(int32_t &sizeX, int32_t &sizeY, int32_t &sizeZ) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getSize(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
getSpan(const SbVec3f &direction, float &dmin, float &dmax) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
getVolume(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
hasVolume(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
intersect(const SbVec3i32 &pt) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
intersect(const SbBox3i32 &bb) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
intersect(const SbVec3f &pt) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
isEmpty(void) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
makeEmpty(void) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
maxpt (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32protected
minpt (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32protected
outside(const SbMatrix &MVP, int &cullBits) const (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32
SbBox3i32(void) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
SbBox3i32(int32_t xmin, int32_t ymin, int32_t zmin, int32_t xmax, int32_t ymax, int32_t zmax) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
SbBox3i32(const SbVec3i32 &minpoint, const SbVec3i32 &maxpoint) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
SbBox3i32(const SbBox3s &box) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inlineexplicit
SbBox3i32(const SbBox3f &box) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inlineexplicit
SbBox3i32(const SbBox3d &box) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inlineexplicit
setBounds(int32_t xmin, int32_t ymin, int32_t zmin, int32_t xmax, int32_t ymax, int32_t zmax) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
setBounds(const SbVec3i32 &minpoint, const SbVec3i32 &maxpoint) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32inline
setBounds(const SbBox3s &box)SbBox3i32
setBounds(const SbBox3f &box)SbBox3i32
setBounds(const SbBox3d &box)SbBox3i32
transform(const SbMatrix &m) (defined in SbBox3i32)SbBox3i32