Coin Logo Coin3D is Free Software,
published under the BSD 3-clause license.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Ccc_stringThe cc_string type is a C ADT for ASCII string management
 CSbBox2d2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates
 CSbBox2f2 dimensional box with floating point corner coordinates
 CSbBox2i322 dimensional box with 32-bit integer coordinates
 CSbBox2s2 dimensional box with short integer coordinates
 CSbBox3dAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box
 CSbBox3fAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box
 CSbBox3s3 dimensional box with short integer coordinates
 CSbBSPTreeBinary space partitioning container
 CSbClipGeneric polygon clipper class
 CSbCylinderRepresentation of a cylinder
 CSbDictOrganizes a dictionary of keys and values
 CSbDPLineLine using double precision coordinates
 CSbDPMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a double-precision matrix
 CSbDPPlanePlane in 3D space
 CSbDPRotationRotation in 3D space using double precision data
 CSbDPViewVolumeDouble precision viewing volume in 3D space
 CSbHeapGeneric heap class
 CSbHeapFuncsThe SbHeapFuncs struct is used to specify functions on heap elements
 CSbImageAbstract datatype for 2D and 3D images
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< T >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< PImpl >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoAudioRenderActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoCenterballDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoCenterballManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoClipPlaneManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoDirectionalLightDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoDirectionalLightManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoDragPointDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoGeoSeparatorP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoGetBoundingBoxActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoGetMatrixActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoGetPrimitiveCountActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoGlobalSimplifyActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoHandleBoxDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoHandleBoxManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoJackDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoJackManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoPickActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoPointLightDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoPointLightManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoRotateCylindricalDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoRotateDiscDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoRotateSphericalDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoScale1DraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoScale2DraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoScale2UniformDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoScaleUniformDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoSearchActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoShapeSimplifyActionP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoSpotLightDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoSpotLightManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTabBoxDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTabBoxManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTabPlaneDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTrackballManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTransformBoxDraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTransformBoxManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTransformerManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTransformManipP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoTranslate1DraggerP >
 CSbLazyPimplPtr< SoWriteActionP >
 CSbLineLine in 3D space
 CSbList< Type >The SbList class is a template container class for lists
 CSbList< BogusSet *>
 CSbList< CallbackInfo >
 CSbList< cc_xml_attr *>
 CSbList< cc_xml_elt *>
 CSbList< class CatalogItem *>
 CSbList< const char *>
 CSbList< ContentsCopiedMap *>
 CSbList< dldata >
 CSbList< double >
 CSbList< float >
 CSbList< int >
 CSbList< int32_t >
 CSbList< ReadImageCBData >
 CSbList< SbBool >
 CSbList< SbClipData >
 CSbList< SbList< SbVec2s > >
 CSbList< SbMatrix >
 CSbList< SbName >
 CSbList< SbString >
 CSbList< SbTri3f *>
 CSbList< SbUniqueId >
 CSbList< SbVec2f >
 CSbList< SbVec2s >
 CSbList< SbVec3f >
 CSbList< SbVec4f >
 CSbList< ScXMLEventTarget *>
 CSbList< SendLookup >
 CSbList< ShapeData *>
 CSbList< so_plane_data >
 CSbList< SoDelayQueueSensor *>
 CSbList< SoElement *>
 CSbList< SoEnumEntry *>
 CSbList< SoFieldContainerCopyMap *>
 CSbList< SoFieldEntry *>
 CSbList< SoGLDisplayList *>
 CSbList< SoGLDriver *>
 CSbList< SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement::GLUnitData >
 CSbList< SoGLMultiTextureImageElement::GLUnitData >
 CSbList< SoGLRenderCache *>
 CSbList< SoInput_FileInfo *>
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureEnabledElement::Mode >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureImageElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureMatrixElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoNode *>
 CSbList< SoOutputDataEntry *>
 CSbList< SoOutputROUTE >
 CSbList< SoOutputROUTEList *>
 CSbList< SoPath *>
 CSbList< SoProto *>
 CSbList< SoSFNode *>
 CSbList< SoShadowLightCache *>
 CSbList< soshape_bigtexture *>
 CSbList< SoTempPath *>
 CSbList< SoTextureCombineElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoTimerQueueSensor *>
 CSbList< SoTimerSensor *>
 CSbList< SoTypeData *>
 CSbList< SoVBO *>
 CSbList< SoVRMLColor *>
 CSbList< SoVRMLCoordinate *>
 CSbList< SoVRMLGroup *>
 CSbList< SoVRMLNormal *>
 CSbList< SoVRMLTextureCoordinate *>
 CSbList< struct so_eval_node *>
 CSbList< struct Vertex *>
 CSbList< uint16_t >
 CSbList< uint32_t >
 CSbList< uint8_t >
 CSbList< unsigned int >
 CSbList< versionrange >
 CSbList< Vertex >
 CSbList< void *>
 CSbMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a matrix
 CSbNameStores strings by reference
 CSbOctTreeDefines a generic oct tree for fast geometry searches
 CSbPimplPtr< T >
 CSbPimplPtr< class SoNodeVisualizeP >
 CSbPimplPtr< class SoProfilerStatsP >
 CSbPimplPtr< PImpl >
 CSbPimplPtr< SbProfilingDataP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoBoxHighlightRenderActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoCallbackActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoDraggerP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoGeoCoordinateP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoGLRenderActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoHandleEventActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoLineHighlightRenderActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoMaterialP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoPrimitiveVertexCacheP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoProfilerTopEngineP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoProfilerTopKitP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoProfilerVisualizeKitP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoRayPickActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoReorganizeActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoScrollingGraphKitP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoSeparatorP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoSimplifyActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoToVRML2ActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoToVRMLActionP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoTrackballDraggerP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoTransformerDraggerP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoTranslate2DraggerP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoVertexAttributeElementP >
 CSbPimplPtr< SoVertexAttributeP >
 CSbPlanePlane in 3D space
 CSbPListContainer class for void pointers
 CSbProfilingDataData structure for gathering scene graph traversal profiling information
 CSbProjectorAbstract base projector class
 CSbRotationRotation in 3D space
 CSbSphereRepresentation of a sphere
 CSbStringString class with convenience functions for string operations
 CSbTesselatorUsed to tessellate polygons into triangles
 CSbTimeInstances represents time values
 CSbTypedStorage< Type >
 CSbTypeInfoType information library for Coin types and their relations
 CSbVec2bVector class for containing two byte integers
 CSbVec2d2 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec2f2 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbVec2i322 dimensional vector with 32-bit signed integer coordinates
 CSbVec2s2 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates
 CSbVec3d3 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec3f3 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbVec3s3 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates
 CSbVec4d4 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec4f4 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbViewportRegionViewport within a full window
 CSbViewVolumeViewing volume in 3D space
 CScXMLNamespace for static ScXML-related functions
 CScXMLEltReaderBase class for element reader objects
 CScXMLObjectBase class for all SCXML objects
 CSoActionBase class for all traversal actions
 CSoAudioDeviceUsed to control an audio device
 CSoBaseTop-level superclass for a number of class-hierarchies
 CSoBundleSuperclass for all bundle classes
 CSoCacheSuperclass for all internal cache classes
 CSoCallbackListThe SoCallbackList is a container for callback function pointers
 CSoContextHandlerFor now to be treated as an internal class
 CSoDBKeeps track of internal global data
 CSoDetailSuperclass for all classes storing detailed information about particular shapes
 CSoElementSoElement is the abstract base class for all elements
 CSoEnabledElementsListContainer for type info for element types that are enabled in actions
 CSoEngineOutputOutput slots in SoEngine instances
 CSoEngineOutputDataContainer for a prototype set of outputs
 CSoErrorBase class for all the error handling classes
 CSoEventBase class for all Coin events
 CSoEventManagerEvent handling for a Coin3D viewer
 CSoFieldTop-level abstract base class for fields
 CSoFieldDataContainer for a prototype set of fields
 CSoGeoUsed to initialize the geo nodes in Coin, and has some utility geo coordinate functions
 CSoGLCacheListUsed to store and manage OpenGL caches
 CSoGLDisplayListStores and manages OpenGL display lists
 CSoGLDriverDatabaseUsed for looking up broken/slow features in OpenGL drivers
 CSoGLImageUsed to handle OpenGL 2D/3D textures
 CSoGlyphUsed to generate and reuse font glyph bitmaps and outlines
 CSoHardCopyStatic class for initializing the hardcopy support
 CSoInputAbstraction of file import functionality
 CSoInteractionTakes care of initalizing internal classes
 CSoIntersectingPrimitiveStruct with collision information
 CSoLightPathLight version of SoPath
 CSoLockManagerThe SoLockManager is a defunct software license lock mechanism
 CSoNodeKitUsed to initialize the nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogContainer for nodekit layouts
 CSoNormalGeneratorUsed to generate normals
 CSoNotListList of SoNotRec notification records
 CSoNotRecRecords for notification lists
 CSoNurbsP< Master >
 CSoOffscreenRendererUsed for rendering scenes in offscreen buffers
 CSoOutputAbstraction of an output stream
 CSoPickedPointUsed for specifying picked points
 CSoPrimitiveVertexSingle vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProfilerMain static class for initializing the scene graph profiling subsystem
 CSoProfilingReportGeneratorConvenience report generator functionality
 CSoRenderManagerUsed for controlling the rendering of a scene graph
 CSoSceneManagerMain interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit
 CSoScXMLNavigationStatic class for some static init/cleanup/synchronization functions
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for all sensors
 CSoSensorManagerHandles the sensor queues
 CSoStateManages the Coin scenegraph traversal state data
 CSoTypeBasis for the run-time type system in Coin
 CSoVectorOutputUsed for setting vector output file