![]() |
Coin3D is Free Software, published under the BSD 3-clause license. |
https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/ http://www.kongsberg.com/kogt/ |
Ccc_debugerror | |
Ccc_error | |
Ccc_glglue_offscreen_cb_functions | |
Ccc_rbptree | |
Ccc_string | The cc_string type is a C ADT for ASCII string management |
CJSClass | |
CJSErrorReport | |
CJSFunctionSpec | |
CJSIdArray | |
CJSPropertySpec | |
CSbBarrier | |
CSbBox2d | 2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates |
CSbBox2f | 2 dimensional box with floating point corner coordinates |
CSbBox2i32 | 2 dimensional box with 32-bit integer coordinates |
CSbBox2s | 2 dimensional box with short integer coordinates |
CSbBox3d | Abstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box |
CSbBox3f | Abstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box |
CSbBox3i32 | |
CSbBox3s | 3 dimensional box with short integer coordinates |
CSbBSPTree | Binary space partitioning container |
CSbByteBuffer | |
CSbClip | Generic polygon clipper class |
CSbColor | Red, green and blue components which make up a color value |
CSbColor4f | Red, green, blue and alpha components which make up a color value |
CSbCondVar | |
CSbCylinder | Representation of a cylinder |
CSbCylinderPlaneProjector | Projects 2D points to a half-cylinder and a plane |
CSbCylinderProjector | Abstract base class for mapping to cylindrical surfaces |
CSbCylinderSectionProjector | The SbCylinderSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced cylinder |
CSbCylinderSheetProjector | Projects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a cylindrical shape |
CSbDict | Organizes a dictionary of keys and values |
CSbDPLine | Line using double precision coordinates |
CSbDPMatrix | 4x4 dimensional representation of a double-precision matrix |
CSbDPPlane | Plane in 3D space |
CSbDPRotation | Rotation in 3D space using double precision data |
CSbDPViewVolume | Double precision viewing volume in 3D space |
CSbFifo | |
CSbHeap | Generic heap class |
CSbHeapFuncs | The SbHeapFuncs struct is used to specify functions on heap elements |
CSbImage | Abstract datatype for 2D and 3D images |
CSbIntList | Container for integer list arrays |
CSbLazyPimplPtr | |
CSbLine | Line in 3D space |
CSbLineProjector | Projects 2D points to 3D points along a line |
CSbList | The SbList class is a template container class for lists |
CSbMatrix | 4x4 dimensional representation of a matrix |
CSbMutex | |
CSbName | Stores strings by reference |
CSbOctTree | Defines a generic oct tree for fast geometry searches |
CSbOctTreeFuncs | |
CSbPimplPtr | |
CSbPlane | Plane in 3D space |
CSbPlaneProjector | Projects 2D points to 3D points in a plane |
CSbPList | Container class for void pointers |
CSbProfilingData | Data structure for gathering scene graph traversal profiling information |
CSbProjector | Abstract base projector class |
CSbRotation | Rotation in 3D space |
CSbRWMutex | |
CSbSphere | Representation of a sphere |
CSbSpherePlaneProjector | Projects 2D points to a half-sphere and a plane |
CSbSphereProjector | Abstract base class for mapping to spherical surfaces |
CSbSphereSectionProjector | The SbSphereSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced sphere |
CSbSphereSheetProjector | Projects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a spherical shape |
CSbStorage | |
CSbString | String class with convenience functions for string operations |
CSbStringList | Container for arrays of SbString pointers |
CSbTesselator | Used to tessellate polygons into triangles |
CSbThread | |
CSbThreadAutoLock | |
CSbThreadMutex | |
CSbTime | Instances represents time values |
CSbTypedStorage | |
CSbTypeInfo | Type information library for Coin types and their relations |
CSbVec2b | Vector class for containing two byte integers |
CSbVec2d | 2 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates |
CSbVec2f | 2 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates |
CSbVec2i32 | 2 dimensional vector with 32-bit signed integer coordinates |
CSbVec2s | 2 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates |
CSbVec2ub | |
CSbVec2ui32 | |
CSbVec2us | |
CSbVec3b | |
CSbVec3d | 3 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates |
CSbVec3f | 3 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates |
CSbVec3fList | Container for arrays of SbVec3f pointers |
CSbVec3i32 | |
CSbVec3s | 3 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates |
CSbVec3ub | |
CSbVec3ui32 | |
CSbVec3us | |
CSbVec4b | |
CSbVec4d | 4 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates |
CSbVec4f | 4 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates |
CSbVec4i32 | |
CSbVec4s | |
CSbVec4ub | |
CSbVec4ui32 | |
CSbVec4us | |
CSbViewportRegion | Viewport within a full window |
CSbViewVolume | Viewing volume in 3D space |
CSbXfBox3d | 3 dimensional box with double precision coordinates and an attached transformation |
CSbXfBox3f | 3 dimensional box with floating point coordinates and an attached transformation |
CScXML | Namespace for static ScXML-related functions |
CScXMLAbstractStateElt | Abstract base class for the SCXML 'state' elements |
CScXMLAddOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLAnchorElt | Implements the <anchor> SCXML element |
CScXMLAndOpExprDataObj | Implements the logical AND operator |
CScXMLAppendOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLAssignElt | <assign> SCXML element |
CScXMLBoolDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinAddOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinDivideOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinEqualsOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinEvaluator | Implements the evaluator for the custom profile named "x-coin" |
CScXMLCoinLengthFuncExprDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinMultiplyOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLCoinSubtractOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLConstantDataObj | Base class for immediate data values |
CScXMLContentElt | Implements the <content> SCXML element |
CScXMLDataElt | <data> SCXML element |
CScXMLDataModelElt | Implements the <datamodel> SCXML element |
CScXMLDataObj | Base class for evaluator data objects in the SCXML data module |
CScXMLDivideOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLDocument | |
CScXMLECMAScriptEvaluator | Evaluator for the ECMAScript profile |
CScXMLElseElt | Implements the <else> SCXML element |
CScXMLElseIfElt | Implements the <elseif> SCXML element |
CScXMLElt | Base class for all SCXML elements |
CScXMLEltReader | Base class for element reader objects |
CScXMLEqualsOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLEvaluator | Defines an interface for profile-dependent evaluators |
CScXMLEvent | Base class for events sent to SCXML state machines |
CScXMLEventElt | Implements the <event> SCXML element |
CScXMLEventTarget | Base class for event targets for inter-system event communication |
CScXMLExecutableElt | Base class for all SCXML elements with executable content |
CScXMLExprDataObj | |
CScXMLFinalElt | Implements the <final> SCXML element |
CScXMLFinalizeElt | Implements the <finalize> SCXML element |
CScXMLHistoryElt | Implements the <history> SCXML element |
CScXMLIfElt | Implements the <if> SCXML element |
CScXMLInExprDataObj | |
CScXMLInitialElt | Implements the <initial> SCXML element |
CScXMLInvokeElt | Implements the <invoke> SCXML element |
CScXMLLogElt | Implements the <log> SCXML element |
CScXMLMinimumEvaluator | Implements the evaluator for the minimum profile |
CScXMLMinimumExprDataObj | Implements the data objects for the evaluator for the minimum profile |
CScXMLMultiplyOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLNegateOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLNotOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLObject | Base class for all SCXML objects |
CScXMLOnEntryElt | Implements the <onentry> SCXML element |
CScXMLOnExitElt | Implements the <onexit> SCXML element |
CScXMLOrOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLParallelElt | Implements the <parallel> SCXML element |
CScXMLParamElt | Implements the <param> SCXML element |
CScXMLRealDataObj | |
CScXMLReferenceDataObj | A data object representing a reference to another object in the data model |
CScXMLSbDataObj | |
CScXMLScriptElt | Implements the <script> SCXML element |
CScXMLScxmlElt | Implements the <scxml> SCXML element |
CScXMLSendElt | < send> SCXML element |
CScXMLStateElt | Implements the <state> SCXML element |
CScXMLStateMachine | Manager for processing events and setting states in SCXML structures |
CScXMLStringDataObj | |
CScXMLSubtractOpExprDataObj | |
CScXMLTransitionElt | <transition> SCXML element |
CScXMLValidateElt | Implements the <validate> SCXML element |
CScXMLXMLDataObj | |
CScXMLXPathEvaluator | Implements the XPath evaluator |
CSoAccumulatedElement | Abstract class for storing accumulated state |
CSoAction | Base class for all traversal actions |
CSoActionMethodList | Function pointers for action methods |
CSoAlarmSensor | Sensor which will trigger once at a specified time |
CSoAlphaTest | Node used to control the GL alpha test function |
CSoAmbientColorElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoAnnotation | The SoAnnotation node draws all its child geometry on top of other geometry |
CSoAnnoText3CharOrientElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoAntiSquish | Used to reset to uniform scaling |
CSoAnyVertexAttribute | |
CSoAppearanceKit | Node kit catalog that collects miscellaneous appearance node types |
CSoArray | Group node for setting up regular arrays of subgraphs |
CSoAsciiText | Renders flat 3D text |
CSoAudioDevice | Used to control an audio device |
CSoAudioRenderAction | Renders the aural parts of the scene graph |
CSoAuditorList | Used to keep track of auditors for certain object classes |
CSoBase | Top-level superclass for a number of class-hierarchies |
CSoBaseColor | Node type for convenient setting of the base material color |
CSoBaseKit | Toplevel superclass for nodekits |
CSoBaseList | Container for pointers to SoBase derived objects |
CSoBBoxModelMatrixElement | Keeps track of the current model matrix during a scene graph traversal. It is used by amongst others the SoGetBoundingBoxAction class |
CSoBlinker | Cycling switch node |
CSoBoolOperation | The SoBoolOperation engine evaluates expressions of boolean logic |
CSoBoundingBoxCache | Used to cache bounding boxes |
CSoBoxHighlightRenderAction | Renders the scene with highlighted boxes around selections |
CSoBumpMap | Used to map a bump map onto subsequent shapes |
CSoBumpMapCoordinate | Node for providing bump map coordinates to shape nodes |
CSoBumpMapCoordinateElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoBumpMapElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoBumpMapMatrixElement | Used to manage the bump map matrix stack |
CSoBumpMapTransform | Used to define 2D bump map transformations |
CSoBundle | Superclass for all bundle classes |
CSoButtonEvent | Base class for all button events |
CSoByteStream | |
CSoCache | Superclass for all internal cache classes |
CSoCacheElement | Stores and manages the open caches |
CSoCacheHint | Node containing hints about how to cache geometry |
CSoCacheHintElement | |
CSoCalculator | General purpose calculator for floats and 3D float vectors |
CSoCallback | Node type which provides a means of setting callback hooks in the scene graph |
CSoCallbackAction | Invokes callbacks at specific nodes |
CSoCallbackList | The SoCallbackList is a container for callback function pointers |
CSoCamera | Abstract base class for camera definition nodes |
CSoCameraKit | Node kit with a transform and a camera |
CSoCenterballDragger | Dragger you can rotate and translate |
CSoCenterballManip | The SoCenterballManip wraps an SoCenterballDragger for convenience |
CSoChildList | Container for node children |
CSoClipPlane | Node type for specifying clipping planes |
CSoClipPlaneElement | Used to manage the clip plane stack |
CSoClipPlaneManip | Used to manipulate clip planes |
CSoColorIndex | Used to specify color indices for subsequent shapes |
CSoColorPacker | |
CSoComplexity | Node type which is used to set the tradeoff between quality and performance |
CSoComplexityElement | Current shape complexity for a graph traverser |
CSoComplexityTypeElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoComposeMatrix | Used to compose a matrix from miscellaneous transformations |
CSoComposeRotation | Used to compose rotations from angle and axis |
CSoComposeRotationFromTo | Used to compose rotations based on from and to vectors |
CSoComposeVec2f | Used to compose 2D vectors from two floats |
CSoComposeVec3f | Used to compose 3D vectors from floats |
CSoComposeVec4f | Used to compose 4D vectors from four floats |
CSoComputeBoundingBox | Used to calculate a bounding box |
CSoConcatenate | Used to concatenate several inputs into one output |
CSoCone | For rendering cone shapes |
CSoConeDetail | Information about the parts of a SoCone shape |
CSoContextHandler | For now to be treated as an internal class |
CSoConvexDataCache | Used to cache convexified polygons |
CSoCoordinate3 | Node for providing coordinates to shape nodes |
CSoCoordinate4 | Node for providing coordinates to shape nodes |
CSoCoordinateElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoCounter | Integer counter engine |
CSoCreaseAngleElement | Stores the crease angle during a scene graph traversal |
CSoCube | For rendering cubes |
CSoCubeDetail | Information about the parts of a SoCube shape |
CSoCullElement | Used internally for render and pick culling |
CSoCylinder | For rendering cylinder shapes |
CSoCylinderDetail | Information about the parts of a SoCylinder shape |
CSoDataSensor | Abstract base class for sensors monitoring changes in a scene graph |
CSoDB | Keeps track of internal global data |
CSoDebug | |
CSoDebugError | Internal debugging message passing mechanism |
CSoDecimationPercentageElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoDecimationTypeElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoDecomposeMatrix | Used to decompose a matrix into simple transformations |
CSoDecomposeRotation | Used to decompose a rotation into angle and axis |
CSoDecomposeVec2f | Used to decompose 2D vectors into two floats |
CSoDecomposeVec3f | Used to decompose 3D vectors into three floats |
CSoDecomposeVec4f | Used to decompose 4D vectors into four floats |
CSoDelayQueueSensor | Abstract base class for priority scheduled sensors |
CSoDepthBuffer | Node used to control the GL depth buffer |
CSoDepthBufferElement | The SoDepthBufferElement controls the depth buffer settings |
CSoDetail | Superclass for all classes storing detailed information about particular shapes |
CSoDetailList | Container for pointers to SoDetail objects |
CSoDiffuseColorElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoDirectionalLight | Node type for specifying directional light sources |
CSoDirectionalLightDragger | Interactive geometry for manipulating a directional light source |
CSoDirectionalLightManip | Used to manipulate SoDirectionalLight nodes |
CSoDragger | Base class for all draggers |
CSoDragPointDragger | Mechanisms for moving a point in 3D |
CSoDrawStyle | Specificies common rendering properties for shapes |
CSoDrawStyleElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoElapsedTime | Controllable time source engine |
CSoElement | SoElement is the abstract base class for all elements |
CSoEmissiveColorElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoEnabledElementsList | Container for type info for element types that are enabled in actions |
CSoEngine | SoEngine is the base class for Coin engines |
CSoEngineList | Container for SoEngine objects |
CSoEngineOutput | Output slots in SoEngine instances |
CSoEngineOutputData | Container for a prototype set of outputs |
CSoEngineOutputList | Container for SoEngineOutput objects |
CSoEnvironment | Node for specifying global rendering parameters |
CSoEnvironmentElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoError | Base class for all the error handling classes |
CSoEvent | Base class for all Coin events |
CSoEventCallback | Functionality for catching events |
CSoEventManager | Event handling for a Coin3D viewer |
CSoExtSelection | Can be used for extended selection functionality |
CSoFaceDetail | For storing detailed polygon information |
CSoFaceSet | Used to render and organize non-indexed polygonal face data |
CSoField | Top-level abstract base class for fields |
CSoFieldContainer | Base class for all classes that contain fields |
CSoFieldConverter | Abstract base class for field converters |
CSoFieldData | Container for a prototype set of fields |
CSoFieldList | Container for pointers to SoField objects |
CSoFieldSensor | Detects changes to a field |
CSoFile | Node container for another model file |
CSoFloatElement | SoFloatElement is an abstract base class for elements that consists of a single float value |
CSoFocalDistanceElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoFont | Appearance node for setting fonts |
CSoFontNameElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoFontSizeElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoFontStyle | Changes the appearance of fonts for text rendering nodes |
CSoForeignFileKit | Abstract base class for foreign file format support in Coin |
CSoFragmentShader | Used for setting up fragment shader programs |
CSoFrustumCamera | Defines a camera with a generic frustum. |
CSoFullPath | Allows examination of hidden children in paths |
CSoGate | Used to selectively copy values from input to output |
CSoGeo | Used to initialize the geo nodes in Coin, and has some utility geo coordinate functions |
CSoGeoCoordinate | Used to specify a list of geographical coordinates |
CSoGeoElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGeoLocation | Used to georeference the following nodes |
CSoGeometryShader | Used for loading geometry shader programs |
CSoGeoOrigin | Used to specify an absolute geographic location against which geometry is referenced |
CSoGeoSeparator | Used to georeference a scene graph |
CSoGetBoundingBoxAction | Calculates bounding boxes for nodes and subgraphs |
CSoGetMatrixAction | Action for accumulating the transformation matrix of a subgraph |
CSoGetPrimitiveCountAction | Counts the primitives in a scene |
CSoGLBigImage | Used to handle 2D OpenGL textures of any size |
CSoGLCacheContextElement | Handles the OpenGL cache for a context |
CSoGLCacheList | Used to store and manage OpenGL caches |
CSoGLClipPlaneElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLColorIndexElement | Sets the current OpenGL color |
CSoGLCoordinateElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLCubeMapImage | Used to handle cube map textures |
CSoGLDepthBufferElement | The SoGLDepthBufferElement controls the OpenGL depth buffer |
CSoGLDisplayList | Stores and manages OpenGL display lists |
CSoGLDrawStyleElement | The SoGLDrawStyleElement updates the current draw style in OpenGL |
CSoGLDriverDatabase | Used for looking up broken/slow features in OpenGL drivers |
CSoGLEnvironmentElement | For setting GL fog etc |
CSoGLImage | Used to handle OpenGL 2D/3D textures |
▶CSoGLLazyElement | Meant to optimize GL rendering |
CSoGLLightIdElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLLinePatternElement | Changes the line stipple pattern of the OpenGL render state |
CSoGLLineWidthElement | Changes the linewidth setting of the OpenGL render state |
CSoGLModelMatrixElement | Yet to be documented |
▶CSoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement | Stores the current gltexture coordinates for several units |
CSoGLMultiTextureEnabledElement | |
▶CSoGLMultiTextureImageElement | The SoGLMultiTextureImageElement is used to control the current GL texture for texture units |
CSoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement | Used to update the OpenGL texture matrix |
CSoGLNormalElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGlobalSimplifyAction | |
CSoGLPointSizeElement | Changes the pointsize setting of the OpenGL render state |
CSoGLPolygonOffsetElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLProjectionMatrixElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLRenderAction | Renders the scene graph with OpenGL calls |
CSoGLRenderCache | Used to cache OpenGL calls |
CSoGLRenderPassElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLShaderProgramElement | |
CSoGLShadowCullingElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLShapeHintsElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLUpdateAreaElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGLVBOElement | Used to store VBO state |
CSoGLVertexAttributeElement | |
CSoGLViewingMatrixElement | Used to store the current viewing matrix |
CSoGLViewportRegionElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoGlyph | Used to generate and reuse font glyph bitmaps and outlines |
CSoGroup | Node which managed other node instances |
CSoHandleBoxDragger | Support for interactive scaling and translation |
CSoHandleBoxManip | Wraps an SoHandleBoxDragger for manipulating a transformation |
CSoHandleEventAction | Distributes user events to the scene |
CSoHardCopy | Static class for initializing the hardcopy support |
CSoHeightMapToNormalMap | Engine for computing a normal map from a height map |
CSoIdleSensor | Sensor which will trigger as soon as the application is idle |
CSoImage | Draws a 2D image on the viewport |
CSoIndexedFaceSet | Used to handle generic indexed facesets |
CSoIndexedLineSet | Used to render and otherwise represent indexed lines |
CSoIndexedMarkerSet | Used to display a set of bitmap markers at 3D positions |
CSoIndexedNurbsCurve | Node for representing smooth curves |
CSoIndexedNurbsSurface | Can be used to render NURBS surfaces |
CSoIndexedPointSet | Used to display a set of 3D points |
CSoIndexedShape | Superclass for all indexed vertex shapes |
CSoIndexedTriangleStripSet | Keeps data for rendering and otherwise representing triangle strips |
CSoInfo | Node for holding text information |
CSoInput | Abstraction of file import functionality |
CSoInt32Element | Base class for elements that simply store a 32-bit integer |
CSoInteraction | Takes care of initalizing internal classes |
CSoInteractionKit | Base class for draggers |
CSoInterpolate | Base class for all interpolator engines |
CSoInterpolateFloat | Used to interpolate two floating point values |
CSoInterpolateRotation | Used to interpolate between two rotations |
CSoInterpolateVec2f | Used to interpolate between pairs of 2D vectors |
CSoInterpolateVec3f | Used to interpolate between pairs of 3D vectors |
CSoInterpolateVec4f | Used to interpolate between pairs of 4D vectors |
CSoIntersectingPrimitive | Struct with collision information |
CSoIntersectionDetectionAction | For detecting intersecting primitives in a scene |
CSoJackDragger | Dragger you can translate, rotate and scale |
CSoJackManip | The SoJackManip wraps an SoJackDragger for convenience |
CSoJavaScriptEngine | |
CSoKeyboardEvent | Information about keyboard interaction |
CSoLabel | Node for holding label information in a scene graph |
▶CSoLazyElement | Used to handle material and shape properties |
CSoLevelOfDetail | Used to choose a child based on projected size |
CSoLight | Base class for light emitting nodes |
CSoLightAttenuationElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoLightElement | Manages the currently active light sources |
CSoLightKit | Kit with a transform, a light and a shape or subgraph |
CSoLightModel | Node for specifying the model for geometry lighting |
CSoLightModelElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoLightPath | Light version of SoPath |
CSoLinearProfile | Node for specifying linear profile curves |
CSoLineDetail | For storing detailed 3D line information |
CSoLineHighlightRenderAction | Renders selections with line highlighting |
CSoLinePatternElement | Defines the line stipple pattern |
CSoLineSet | Used to render and organize non-indexed polylines |
CSoLineWidthElement | Changes the linewidth setting of the render state |
CSoListener | Defines listener attributes used when rendering sound |
CSoListenerDopplerElement | The SoListenerDopplerElement holds the doppler velocity and factor of the current listener |
CSoListenerGainElement | Stores the SoListener gain during a scene graph traversal |
CSoListenerOrientationElement | The SoListenerOrientationElement holds the orientation of the current listener |
CSoListenerPositionElement | The SoListenerPositionElement holds the position of the current listener |
CSoLocalBBoxMatrixElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoLocateHighlight | Highlights geometry under the cursor |
CSoLocation2Event | Information about 2D movement events |
CSoLockManager | The SoLockManager is a defunct software license lock mechanism |
CSoLOD | Used to choose a child based distance between viewer and object |
CSoMarkerSet | Displays a set of 2D bitmap markers in 3D |
CSoMaterial | Node type for setting up material values for scene geometry |
CSoMaterialBinding | Node for setting up how materials are mapped to shapes |
CSoMaterialBindingElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoMaterialBundle | Simplifies material handling |
CSoMatrixTransform | Transformation node |
CSoMemoryError | Used to inform of problems with memory allocation |
CSoMFBitMask | Container for a set of bitmasks |
CSoMFBool | Container for SbBool values |
CSoMFColor | Container for SbColor values |
CSoMFColorRGBA | Container for SbColor4f values |
CSoMFDouble | Container for double float precision point values |
CSoMFEngine | Container for engines |
CSoMFEnum | Container for a set of enumerated values |
CSoMFFloat | Container for floating point values |
CSoMField | Base class for fields which can contain multiple values |
CSoMFInt32 | Container for 32-bit integer values |
CSoMFMatrix | Container for SbMatrix values |
CSoMFName | Container for SbName values |
CSoMFNode | Container for nodes |
CSoMFPath | Container for paths |
CSoMFPlane | Container for SbPlane values |
CSoMFRotation | Container for SbRotation values |
CSoMFShort | Container for short integer values |
CSoMFString | Container for SbString values |
CSoMFTime | Container for SbTime values |
CSoMFUInt32 | Container for 32-bit unsigned integer values |
CSoMFUShort | Container for unsigned short integer values |
CSoMFVec2b | Container for SbVec2b vectors |
CSoMFVec2d | Container for SbVec2d vectors |
CSoMFVec2f | Container for SbVec2f vectors |
CSoMFVec2i32 | Container for SbVec2i32 vectors |
CSoMFVec2s | Container for SbVec2s vectors |
CSoMFVec3b | Container for SbVec3b vectors |
CSoMFVec3d | Container for SbVec3d vectors |
CSoMFVec3f | Container for SbVec3f vectors |
CSoMFVec3i32 | Container for SbVec3i32 vectors |
CSoMFVec3s | Container for SbVec3s vectors |
CSoMFVec4b | Container for SbVec4b vectors |
CSoMFVec4d | Container for SbVec4d vectors |
CSoMFVec4f | Container for SbVec4f vectors |
CSoMFVec4i32 | Container for SbVec4i32 vectors |
CSoMFVec4s | Container for SbVec4s vectors |
CSoMFVec4ub | Container for SbVec4ub vectors |
CSoMFVec4ui32 | Container for SbVec4ui32 vectors |
CSoMFVec4us | Container for SbVec4us vectors |
CSoModelMatrixElement | Used to manage the current transformation |
CSoMotion3Event | Information about 3D movement events |
CSoMouseButtonEvent | Information about mousebutton interaction |
CSoMultipleCopy | Redraws it's children multiple times at different transformations |
▶CSoMultiTextureCoordinateElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoMultiTextureEnabledElement | Element which stores whether texturing is enabled or not |
▶CSoMultiTextureImageElement | Yet to be documented |
▶CSoMultiTextureMatrixElement | Used to manage the texture matrix stack for texture units > 0 |
CSoNode | Base class for nodes used in scene graphs |
CSoNodeEngine | SoNodeEngine is the base class for Coin node engines |
CSoNodeKit | Used to initialize the nodekit classes |
CSoNodekitCatalog | Container for nodekit layouts |
CSoNodeKitDetail | Yet to be documented |
CSoNodeKitListPart | Container node |
CSoNodeKitPath | Path that contains only nodekit nodes |
CSoNodeList | Container for pointers to SoNode objects |
CSoNodeSensor | Detects changes to nodes |
CSoNodeVisualize | |
CSoNonIndexedShape | Superclass for all non-indexed vertex based shapes |
CSoNormal | Node for providing normals to the state |
CSoNormalBinding | Node for specifying normal vector bindings |
CSoNormalBindingElement | The SoNormalBindingElement is yet to be documented |
CSoNormalBundle | Simplifies normal handling |
CSoNormalCache | Used to hold cached normals |
CSoNormalElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoNormalGenerator | Used to generate normals |
CSoNotList | List of SoNotRec notification records |
CSoNotRec | Records for notification lists |
CSoNurbsCurve | Node for representing smooth curves |
CSoNurbsP | |
CSoNurbsProfile | Node for specifying smooth profile curves |
CSoNurbsSurface | Used to render smooth surfaces |
CSoOffscreenRenderer | Used for rendering scenes in offscreen buffers |
CSoOneShot | Timer that runs for a configurable time and then stops |
CSoOneShotSensor | Sensor which will trigger once |
CSoOnOff | The SoOnOff engine is a simple on/off switch |
CSoOrthographicCamera | Defines a camera node with orthographic rendering |
CSoOutput | Abstraction of an output stream |
CSoOverrideElement | The SoOverrideElement maintains a list of overridable elements and a list over which elements should be overridden |
CSoPackedColor | Node for setting diffuse and transparency material values |
CSoPath | Container class for traversal path descriptions |
CSoPathList | Container for pointers to SoPath objects |
CSoPathSensor | Detects changes to paths |
CSoPathSwitch | Traverses only when current path matches a configurable path |
CSoPendulum | Used to create oscillating rotations |
CSoPerspectiveCamera | Defines a camera node with perspective rendering |
CSoPickAction | Base class for picking actions |
CSoPickedPoint | Used for specifying picked points |
CSoPickedPointList | Container for pointers to SoPickedPoint objects |
CSoPickRayElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoPickStyle | Node for setting up how to do picking |
CSoPickStyleElement | The SoPickStyleElement is yet to be documented |
CSoPointDetail | For storing detailed information for a single 3D point |
CSoPointLight | Node type for light sources |
CSoPointLightDragger | Interactive geometry for manipulating a point light source |
CSoPointLightManip | Used to manipulate point light nodes |
CSoPointSet | Used to display a set of 3D points |
CSoPointSizeElement | The SoPointSizeElement changes the pointsize setting of the render state |
CSoPolygonOffset | Node type for "layering" rendering primitives |
CSoPolygonOffsetElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoPrimitiveVertex | Single vertex of a generated primitive |
CSoPrimitiveVertexCache | |
CSoProfile | Abstract superclass for profile definitions |
CSoProfileCoordinate2 | Node specifying a set of 2D coordinates for profiles |
CSoProfileCoordinate3 | Node specifying a set of 3D coordinates for profiles |
CSoProfileCoordinateElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoProfileElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoProfiler | Main static class for initializing the scene graph profiling subsystem |
CSoProfilerElement | The SoProfilerElement element class is for registering statistics during scene graph traversals |
CSoProfilerOverlayKit | |
CSoProfilerStats | Node for exposing profiling results gathered by SoProfilerElement |
CSoProfilerTopEngine | |
CSoProfilerTopKit | |
CSoProfilerVisualizeKit | |
CSoProfilingReportGenerator | Convenience report generator functionality |
CSoProjectionMatrixElement | |
CSoProto | Handles PROTO definitions |
CSoProtoInstance | Handles PROTO instances |
CSoPSVectorOutput | Used for writing Postscript |
CSoQuadMesh | Used to render and optimize a quadrilateral mesh |
CSoRayPickAction | Does ray intersection with scene graphs |
CSoReadError | Used during model import operations |
▶CSoRenderManager | Used for controlling the rendering of a scene graph |
CSoReorganizeAction | Reorganizes your scene graph to optimize traversal/rendering |
CSoReplacedElement | Abstract element superclass |
CSoResetMatrixElement | |
CSoResetTransform | Node type which makes it possible to "nullify" state during traversal |
CSoReversePerspectiveCamera | Defines a camera node with reverse perspective rendering |
CSoRotateCylindricalDragger | For rotating geometry around a single axis |
CSoRotateDiscDragger | For rotating geometry around a single axis |
CSoRotateSphericalDragger | For rotating geometry in any direction |
CSoRotation | Rotation transformation |
CSoRotationXYZ | Node type for specifying rotation around a particular axis |
CSoRotor | Node used to animate rotations |
CSoScale | Node type for scaling scene graph geometry |
CSoScale1Dragger | Mechanism for the end-user to scale in one dimension |
CSoScale2Dragger | Mechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions |
CSoScale2UniformDragger | Mechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions |
CSoScaleUniformDragger | Mechanism for the end-user to scale in three dimensions |
CSoSceneKit | Collects node kits needed to set up a scene: camera, light and shapes |
CSoSceneManager | Main interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit |
CSoSceneTexture2 | Used to create a 2D texture from a Coin scene graph |
CSoSceneTextureCubeMap | Renders a scene into a texture cube map |
CSoScriptEngine | |
CSoScrollingGraphKit | |
CSoScXMLDollyTarget | SCXML event target service for zoom-behaviour |
CSoScXMLEvent | Adds an SoEvent holder to the ScXMLEvent base |
CSoScXMLFlightControlTarget | SCXML navigation service for typical flight motions |
CSoScXMLMiscTarget | Some misc navigation utility functions |
CSoScXMLMotionTarget | To be used in parallel with other non-moving targets when parallel states are implemented |
CSoScXMLNavigation | Static class for some static init/cleanup/synchronization functions |
▶CSoScXMLNavigationTarget | Base class for navigation system SCXML event target services |
CSoScXMLPanTarget | Navigation system event target for panning operations |
CSoScXMLRotateTarget | Navigation system event target for rotating operations |
CSoScXMLSeekTarget | Navigation system event target for seekmotion operations |
CSoScXMLSpinTarget | Navigation system event target for spinning operations |
CSoScXMLStateMachine | Integration level for using Coin events with SCXML-based state machines |
CSoScXMLZoomTarget | SCXML event target service for zoom-behaviour |
CSoSearchAction | Methods for searching through scene graphs |
CSoSelection | Manages a list of selected nodes |
CSoSelectOne | Used to select one value from a set of values |
CSoSensor | Abstract base class for all sensors |
CSoSensorManager | Handles the sensor queues |
CSoSeparator | State-preserving group node |
CSoSeparatorKit | Typical set of nodes to influence a shape subgraph |
CSoSFBitMask | Container for a set of bit flags |
CSoSFBool | Container for an SbBool value |
CSoSFBox2d | Container for an SbBox2d vector |
CSoSFBox2f | Container for an SbBox2f vector |
CSoSFBox2i32 | Container for an SbBox2i32 vector |
CSoSFBox2s | Container for an SbBox2s vector |
CSoSFBox3d | Container for an SbBox3d vector |
CSoSFBox3f | Container for an SbBox3f vector |
CSoSFBox3i32 | Container for an SbBox3i32 vector |
CSoSFBox3s | Container for an SbBox3s vector |
CSoSFColor | Container for an SbColor value |
CSoSFColorRGBA | Container for an SbColor4f value |
CSoSFDouble | Container for a double precision floating point value |
CSoSFEngine | Container for a single engine |
CSoSFEnum | Container for an enum value |
CSoSFFloat | Container for a floating point value |
CSoSField | Base class for fields which contains only a single value |
CSoSFImage | Used to store pixel images |
CSoSFImage3 | Used to store 3D (volume) images |
CSoSFInt32 | Container for a 32-bit integer value |
CSoSFMatrix | Container for an SbMatrix |
CSoSFName | Container for an SbName |
CSoSFNode | Container for a single node |
CSoSFPath | Container for a single path |
CSoSFPlane | Container for an SbPlane value |
CSoSFRotation | Container for an SbRotation |
CSoSFShort | Container for a short integer value |
CSoSFString | Container for an SbString |
CSoSFTime | Container for an SbTime value |
CSoSFTrigger | "void" class used for detecting field changes |
CSoSFUInt32 | Container for a 32-bit unsigned integer value |
CSoSFUShort | Container for a unsigned short integer value |
CSoSFVec2b | Container for an SbVec2b vector |
CSoSFVec2d | Container for an SbVec2d vector |
CSoSFVec2f | Container for an SbVec2f vector |
CSoSFVec2i32 | Container for an SbVec2i32 vector |
CSoSFVec2s | Container for an SbVec2s vector |
CSoSFVec3b | Container for an SbVec3b vector |
CSoSFVec3d | Container for an SbVec3d vector |
CSoSFVec3f | Container for an SbVec3f vector |
CSoSFVec3i32 | Container for an SbVec3i32 vector |
CSoSFVec3s | Container for an SbVec3s vector |
CSoSFVec4b | Container for an SbVec4b vector |
CSoSFVec4d | Container for an SbVec4d vector |
CSoSFVec4f | Container for an SbVec4f vector |
CSoSFVec4i32 | Container for an SbVec4i32 vector |
CSoSFVec4s | Container for an SbVec4s vector |
CSoSFVec4ub | Container for an SbVec4ub vector |
CSoSFVec4ui32 | Container for an SbVec4ui32 vector |
CSoSFVec4us | Container for an SbVec4us vector |
CSoShaderObject | Superclass for all shader classes in Coin |
CSoShaderParameter | Base class for all shader parameter classes |
CSoShaderParameter1f | Used to define a floating point value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter1i | Used to define an integer value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter2f | Used to define a two-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter2i | Used to define a two-dimensional integer value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter3f | Used to define a three-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter3i | Used to define a three-dimensional integer value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter4f | Used to define a four-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameter4i | Used to define a four-dimensional integer value as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray1f | Used to define a floating point array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray1i | Used to define an integer array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray2f | Used to define a two-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray2i | Used to define a two-dimensional integer array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray3f | Used to define a three-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray3i | Used to define a three-dimensional integer array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray4f | Used to define a four-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterArray4i | Used to define a four-dimensional integer array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterMatrix | Used to define a matrix as shader parameter |
CSoShaderParameterMatrixArray | Used to define a matrix array as shader parameter |
CSoShaderProgram | Used to specify a set of vertex/geometry/fragment objects |
CSoShaderStateMatrixParameter | Used to define a matrix as shader parameter whose content is derived from the traversal state |
CSoShadowCulling | Node for setting the shadow style on nodes |
CSoShadowDirectionalLight | Node for setting up a directional light which casts shadows |
CSoShadowGroup | The SoShadowGroup node is a group node used for shadow rendering |
CSoShadowSpotLight | Node for setting up a spot light which casts shadows |
CSoShadowStyle | Node for setting the shadow style on nodes |
CSoShadowStyleElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoShape | Superclass for geometry shapes |
CSoShapeHints | Node containing hints about how to render geometry |
CSoShapeHintsElement | |
CSoShapeKit | Templates to insert what is usually needed for shape nodes |
CSoShapeSimplifyAction | |
CSoShapeStyleElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoShininessElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoShuttle | Used to oscillate between two translations |
CSoSimplifyAction | Base class for the simplify action classes |
CSoSoundElement | The SoSoundElement is used for optimizing audio rendering and for turning off inactive SoVRMLSound nodes |
CSoSpaceballButtonEvent | Information about spaceball button interaction |
CSoSpecularColorElement | The SoSpecularColorElement is yet to be documented |
CSoSphere | For rendering sphere shapes |
CSoSpotLight | Node type for light sources with a cone shaped lightvolume |
CSoSpotLightDragger | Interactive geometry for manipulating a spotlight |
CSoSpotLightManip | Used to manipulate spot light nodes |
CSoState | Manages the Coin scenegraph traversal state data |
CSoSTLFileKit | SoSTLFileKit is a class for using STL files with Coin |
CSoSurroundScale | Used to automatically scale geometry to surround other geometry |
CSoSwitch | Group node which selects one child subgraph for traversal |
CSoSwitchElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoTabBoxDragger | The SoTabBoxDragger wraps a box around geometry you can then translate and scale |
CSoTabBoxManip | Wraps an SoTabBoxDragger |
CSoTabPlaneDragger | Dragger you can translate and scale within a plane |
CSoTempPath | Used to store temporary paths |
CSoText2 | Node type for visualizing 2D text aligned with the camera plane |
CSoText3 | Renders extruded 3D text |
CSoTextDetail | The SoTextDetail stores information about a character in a string |
CSoTextOutlineEnabledElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoTexture | |
CSoTexture2 | Used to map a 2D texture onto subsequent geometry in the scenegraph |
CSoTexture2Convert | Abstract base class for texture filtering engines |
CSoTexture2Transform | Used to define 2D texture transformations |
CSoTexture3 | Used to map a 3D texture onto geometry |
CSoTexture3Transform | Used to define 3D texture transformations |
CSoTextureCombine | Node for setting texture combine functions |
▶CSoTextureCombineElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoTextureCoordinate2 | Set of coordinates for the mapping of 2D textures |
CSoTextureCoordinate3 | Set of coordinates for the mapping of 2D textures |
CSoTextureCoordinateBinding | Says how texture coordinates should be bound to shapes |
CSoTextureCoordinateBindingElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoTextureCoordinateBundle | Simplifies texture coordinate handling |
CSoTextureCoordinateCache | |
CSoTextureCoordinateCube | Autogenerates cubemapped texture coordinated for shapes |
CSoTextureCoordinateCylinder | Autogenerates cylinder mapped texture coordinated for shapes |
CSoTextureCoordinateDefault | Removes texture coordinates from the state |
CSoTextureCoordinateEnvironment | Generates texture coordinates by projecting onto a surrounding texture |
CSoTextureCoordinateFunction | Abstract base class for texture coordinate generating nodes |
CSoTextureCoordinateNormalMap | Generates texture coordinates by projecting onto a surrounding texture |
CSoTextureCoordinateObject | Generates texture coordinates by.. |
CSoTextureCoordinatePlane | Generates texture coordinates by projecting onto a plane |
CSoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap | Generates 3D reflection texture coordinates |
CSoTextureCoordinateSphere | Autogenerates spheremapped texture coordinated for shapes |
CSoTextureCubeMap | Used to map a cube map onto subsequent shape nodes |
CSoTextureMatrixTransform | Used to define a texture matrix transformation |
CSoTextureOverrideElement | The SoTextureOverrideElement makes it possible to override texture elements |
CSoTextureQualityElement | The SoTextureQualityElement is yet to be documented |
CSoTextureScalePolicy | Node for controlling the texture scale policy |
CSoTextureUnit | Node for setting the active texture unit |
CSoTextureUnitElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoTimeCounter | Integer counter engine |
CSoTimerQueueSensor | Abstract base class for sensors triggering on certain timer events |
CSoTimerSensor | Sensor which will trigger at given intervals |
CSoToVRML2Action | Builds a new scene graph, using only VRML97/VRML2 nodes |
CSoToVRMLAction | Builds a new scene graph using only VRML 1.0 nodes |
CSoTrackballDragger | The SoTrackballDragger provides the end-user with rotation and scaling interaction possibilities |
CSoTrackballManip | The SoTrackballManip wraps an SoTrackballDragger for convenience |
CSoTranReceiver | |
CSoTranSender | |
CSoTransform | "all-purpose" transformation node type |
CSoTransformation | Abstract base class for transformation nodes |
CSoTransformBoxDragger | The SoTransformBoxDragger provides a box which can be translated, scaled and rotated |
CSoTransformBoxManip | The SoTransformBoxManip wraps an SoTransformBoxDragger for convenience |
CSoTransformerDragger | The SoTransformerDragger provides geometry for translation, scaling and rotations |
CSoTransformerManip | The SoTransformerManip wraps an SoTransformerDragger for convenience |
CSoTransformManip | Used to manipulate transformations |
CSoTransformSeparator | Group node preserving the current transformations |
CSoTransformVec3f | Transforms 3D vectors by a matrix |
CSoTranslate1Dragger | Mechanism for the end-user to translate along an axis |
CSoTranslate2Dragger | Mechanism for the end-user to translate in a plane |
CSoTranslation | Node type for specifying geometry translations |
CSoTransparencyElement | The SoTransparencyElement is yet to be documented |
CSoTransparencyType | Node for setting the transparency type for shapes |
CSoTriangleStripSet | Used to render and control non-indexed triangle strips |
CSoTriggerAny | Fan-in engine for triggers |
CSoType | Basis for the run-time type system in Coin |
CSoTypeList | Container class for arrays of SoType objects |
CSoUniformShaderParameter | Base class for all uniform shader variables |
CSoUnits | Node for setting unit types |
CSoUnitsElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoVectorizeAction | Base class for vectorizing Coin scene graphs |
CSoVectorizePSAction | Used for rendering to a Postscript file |
CSoVectorOutput | Used for setting vector output file |
CSoVertexAttribute | A generic node for providing GL vertex attributes of various types |
CSoVertexAttributeBinding | Node for setting up how vertex attributes are mapped to shapes |
CSoVertexAttributeBindingElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoVertexAttributeBundle | Simplifies vertex attribute handling |
CSoVertexAttributeElement | |
CSoVertexProperty | Collects the functionality of various appearance nodes |
CSoVertexShader | Used for setting up vertex shader programs |
CSoVertexShape | Superclass for all vertex based shapes |
CSoViewingMatrixElement | Stores the world-to-camera transformation |
CSoViewportRegionElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoViewVolumeElement | Yet to be documented |
CSoVRMLAnchor | Used for linking to other URL resources |
CSoVRMLAppearance | Visual properties for shapes |
CSoVRMLAudioClip | Used to load and store audio data |
CSoVRMLBackground | Used for specifying a viewer panorama |
CSoVRMLBillboard | Used for rotating geometry towards the viewpoint |
CSoVRMLBox | Used for representing a 3D box |
CSoVRMLCollision | Used for collision detection with the avatar |
CSoVRMLColor | Used to specify multiple colors for a single shape |
CSoVRMLColorInterpolator | Used to interpolate color values |
CSoVRMLCone | Used to represent a Cone object |
CSoVRMLCoordinate | Used to define 3D coordinates for shapes |
CSoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator | Used to interpolate 3D coordinates |
CSoVRMLCylinder | Used to represent a cylinder object |
CSoVRMLCylinderSensor | Maps pointer motion into rotations around the Y axis |
CSoVRMLDirectionalLight | Node type for specifying directional light sources |
CSoVRMLDragSensor | Superclass for VRML drag sensors |
CSoVRMLElevationGrid | Used to represent elevation grids |
CSoVRMLExtrusion | A geometry node for extruding a cross section along a spine |
CSoVRMLFog | Used to specify a global scene fog |
CSoVRMLFontStyle | Used to define the current font |
CSoVRMLGeometry | Superclass for VRML shapes |
CSoVRMLGroup | Used for grouping VRML nodes |
CSoVRMLImageTexture | Used for mapping a texture file onto geometry |
CSoVRMLIndexedFaceSet | Used for representing a generic 3D shape |
CSoVRMLIndexedLine | Abstract superclass for lines specified with indices |
CSoVRMLIndexedLineSet | Used to represent a generic 3D line shape |
CSoVRMLIndexedShape | Superclass for geometry that use indexes |
CSoVRMLInline | Used to insert VRML files into a scene |
CSoVRMLInterpolator | Internal abstract class |
CSoVRMLLight | Superclass for VRML light nodes |
CSoVRMLLOD | Used to represent various levels of detail based on distance |
CSoVRMLMaterial | Used to assign a material to geometry |
CSoVRMLMovieTexture | Used the map movies onto geometry |
CSoVRMLNavigationInfo | Used to specify avatar and viewer settings |
CSoVRMLNormal | Used to bind normals to geometry |
CSoVRMLNormalInterpolator | Used to interpolate normals |
CSoVRMLOrientationInterpolator | Used to interpolate orientations |
CSoVRMLParent | The SoVRMLParent node is a superclass for all VRML grouping nodes |
CSoVRMLPixelTexture | Used for mapping a texture image onto geometry. |
CSoVRMLPlaneSensor | Maps pointer motion into object space translations |
CSoVRMLPointLight | Used to represent a point light |
CSoVRMLPointSet | Used to represent a set of 3D points |
CSoVRMLPositionInterpolator | Used to interpolate 3D points |
CSoVRMLProximitySensor | Used to generate events when the viewer enters or exits a region |
CSoVRMLScalarInterpolator | Used to interpolate scalar values |
CSoVRMLScript | Used to control the scene using scripts |
CSoVRMLSensor | Abstract superclass for VRML sensors |
CSoVRMLShape | Holds geometry and geometry appearance nodes |
CSoVRMLSound | Used to represent a sound source |
CSoVRMLSphere | Used to represent a spherical 3D object |
CSoVRMLSphereSensor | Maps pointer motion into rotations on a sphere |
CSoVRMLSpotLight | Defines a spot light source |
CSoVRMLSwitch | Group node for traversing selected children |
CSoVRMLText | Used to represent text in a scene |
CSoVRMLTexture | Superclass for VRML texture nodes |
CSoVRMLTextureCoordinate | Binds texture coordinates to vertex-based geometry |
CSoVRMLTextureTransform | Defines a transformation applied to texture coordinates |
CSoVRMLTimeSensor | Multi-purpose time event generator |
CSoVRMLTouchSensor | Tracks to pointer position and sends events based on user interaction |
CSoVRMLTransform | Grouping node that defines a transformation for its children |
CSoVRMLVertexLine | Superclass for line based VRML geometry |
CSoVRMLVertexPoint | Superclass for point based VRML shapes |
CSoVRMLVertexShape | Superclass for vertex based shapes |
CSoVRMLViewpoint | Perspective camera class |
CSoVRMLVisibilitySensor | Will generate events based on visibility |
CSoVRMLWorldInfo | Information about the VRML scene |
CSoWindowElement | Used to store current window attributes |
CSoWrapperKit | Simple kit for wrapping a transform and a sub-graph |
CSoWriteAction | Writes a scene graph to file |
CSoWWWAnchor | Adds URL callbacks to the highlighted geometry |
CSoWWWInline | Node used to include data from an URL |
CSpiderMonkey_t |