Coin Logo Coin3D is Free Software,
published under the BSD 3-clause license.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Ccc_stringThe cc_string type is a C ADT for ASCII string management
 CSbBox2d2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates
 CSbBox2f2 dimensional box with floating point corner coordinates
 CSbBox2i322 dimensional box with 32-bit integer coordinates
 CSbBox2s2 dimensional box with short integer coordinates
 CSbBox3dAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box
 CSbBox3fAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box
 CSbBox3s3 dimensional box with short integer coordinates
 CSbBSPTreeBinary space partitioning container
 CSbClipGeneric polygon clipper class
 CSbColorRed, green and blue components which make up a color value
 CSbColor4fRed, green, blue and alpha components which make up a color value
 CSbCylinderRepresentation of a cylinder
 CSbCylinderPlaneProjectorProjects 2D points to a half-cylinder and a plane
 CSbCylinderProjectorAbstract base class for mapping to cylindrical surfaces
 CSbCylinderSectionProjectorThe SbCylinderSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced cylinder
 CSbCylinderSheetProjectorProjects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a cylindrical shape
 CSbDictOrganizes a dictionary of keys and values
 CSbDPLineLine using double precision coordinates
 CSbDPMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a double-precision matrix
 CSbDPPlanePlane in 3D space
 CSbDPRotationRotation in 3D space using double precision data
 CSbDPViewVolumeDouble precision viewing volume in 3D space
 CSbHeapGeneric heap class
 CSbHeapFuncsThe SbHeapFuncs struct is used to specify functions on heap elements
 CSbImageAbstract datatype for 2D and 3D images
 CSbIntListContainer for integer list arrays
 CSbLineLine in 3D space
 CSbLineProjectorProjects 2D points to 3D points along a line
 CSbListThe SbList class is a template container class for lists
 CSbMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a matrix
 CSbNameStores strings by reference
 CSbOctTreeDefines a generic oct tree for fast geometry searches
 CSbPlanePlane in 3D space
 CSbPlaneProjectorProjects 2D points to 3D points in a plane
 CSbPListContainer class for void pointers
 CSbProfilingDataData structure for gathering scene graph traversal profiling information
 CSbProjectorAbstract base projector class
 CSbRotationRotation in 3D space
 CSbSphereRepresentation of a sphere
 CSbSpherePlaneProjectorProjects 2D points to a half-sphere and a plane
 CSbSphereProjectorAbstract base class for mapping to spherical surfaces
 CSbSphereSectionProjectorThe SbSphereSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced sphere
 CSbSphereSheetProjectorProjects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a spherical shape
 CSbStringString class with convenience functions for string operations
 CSbStringListContainer for arrays of SbString pointers
 CSbTesselatorUsed to tessellate polygons into triangles
 CSbTimeInstances represents time values
 CSbTypeInfoType information library for Coin types and their relations
 CSbVec2bVector class for containing two byte integers
 CSbVec2d2 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec2f2 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbVec2i322 dimensional vector with 32-bit signed integer coordinates
 CSbVec2s2 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates
 CSbVec3d3 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec3f3 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbVec3fListContainer for arrays of SbVec3f pointers
 CSbVec3s3 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates
 CSbVec4d4 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates
 CSbVec4f4 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates
 CSbViewportRegionViewport within a full window
 CSbViewVolumeViewing volume in 3D space
 CSbXfBox3d3 dimensional box with double precision coordinates and an attached transformation
 CSbXfBox3f3 dimensional box with floating point coordinates and an attached transformation
 CScXMLNamespace for static ScXML-related functions
 CScXMLAbstractStateEltAbstract base class for the SCXML 'state' elements
 CScXMLAnchorEltImplements the <anchor> SCXML element
 CScXMLAndOpExprDataObjImplements the logical AND operator
 CScXMLAssignElt<assign> SCXML element
 CScXMLCoinEvaluatorImplements the evaluator for the custom profile named "x-coin"
 CScXMLConstantDataObjBase class for immediate data values
 CScXMLContentEltImplements the <content> SCXML element
 CScXMLDataElt<data> SCXML element
 CScXMLDataModelEltImplements the <datamodel> SCXML element
 CScXMLDataObjBase class for evaluator data objects in the SCXML data module
 CScXMLECMAScriptEvaluatorEvaluator for the ECMAScript profile
 CScXMLElseEltImplements the <else> SCXML element
 CScXMLElseIfEltImplements the <elseif> SCXML element
 CScXMLEltBase class for all SCXML elements
 CScXMLEltReaderBase class for element reader objects
 CScXMLEvaluatorDefines an interface for profile-dependent evaluators
 CScXMLEventBase class for events sent to SCXML state machines
 CScXMLEventEltImplements the <event> SCXML element
 CScXMLEventTargetBase class for event targets for inter-system event communication
 CScXMLExecutableEltBase class for all SCXML elements with executable content
 CScXMLFinalEltImplements the <final> SCXML element
 CScXMLFinalizeEltImplements the <finalize> SCXML element
 CScXMLHistoryEltImplements the <history> SCXML element
 CScXMLIfEltImplements the <if> SCXML element
 CScXMLInitialEltImplements the <initial> SCXML element
 CScXMLInvokeEltImplements the <invoke> SCXML element
 CScXMLLogEltImplements the <log> SCXML element
 CScXMLMinimumEvaluatorImplements the evaluator for the minimum profile
 CScXMLMinimumExprDataObjImplements the data objects for the evaluator for the minimum profile
 CScXMLObjectBase class for all SCXML objects
 CScXMLOnEntryEltImplements the <onentry> SCXML element
 CScXMLOnExitEltImplements the <onexit> SCXML element
 CScXMLParallelEltImplements the <parallel> SCXML element
 CScXMLParamEltImplements the <param> SCXML element
 CScXMLReferenceDataObjA data object representing a reference to another object in the data model
 CScXMLScriptEltImplements the <script> SCXML element
 CScXMLScxmlEltImplements the <scxml> SCXML element
 CScXMLSendElt< send> SCXML element
 CScXMLStateEltImplements the <state> SCXML element
 CScXMLStateMachineManager for processing events and setting states in SCXML structures
 CScXMLTransitionElt<transition> SCXML element
 CScXMLValidateEltImplements the <validate> SCXML element
 CScXMLXPathEvaluatorImplements the XPath evaluator
 CSoAccumulatedElementAbstract class for storing accumulated state
 CSoActionBase class for all traversal actions
 CSoActionMethodListFunction pointers for action methods
 CSoAlarmSensorSensor which will trigger once at a specified time
 CSoAlphaTestNode used to control the GL alpha test function
 CSoAmbientColorElementYet to be documented
 CSoAnnotationThe SoAnnotation node draws all its child geometry on top of other geometry
 CSoAnnoText3CharOrientElementYet to be documented
 CSoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElementYet to be documented
 CSoAnnoText3RenderPrintElementYet to be documented
 CSoAntiSquishUsed to reset to uniform scaling
 CSoAppearanceKitNode kit catalog that collects miscellaneous appearance node types
 CSoArrayGroup node for setting up regular arrays of subgraphs
 CSoAsciiTextRenders flat 3D text
 CSoAudioDeviceUsed to control an audio device
 CSoAudioRenderActionRenders the aural parts of the scene graph
 CSoAuditorListUsed to keep track of auditors for certain object classes
 CSoBaseTop-level superclass for a number of class-hierarchies
 CSoBaseColorNode type for convenient setting of the base material color
 CSoBaseKitToplevel superclass for nodekits
 CSoBaseListContainer for pointers to SoBase derived objects
 CSoBBoxModelMatrixElementKeeps track of the current model matrix during a scene graph traversal. It is used by amongst others the SoGetBoundingBoxAction class
 CSoBlinkerCycling switch node
 CSoBoolOperationThe SoBoolOperation engine evaluates expressions of boolean logic
 CSoBoundingBoxCacheUsed to cache bounding boxes
 CSoBoxHighlightRenderActionRenders the scene with highlighted boxes around selections
 CSoBumpMapUsed to map a bump map onto subsequent shapes
 CSoBumpMapCoordinateNode for providing bump map coordinates to shape nodes
 CSoBumpMapCoordinateElementYet to be documented
 CSoBumpMapElementYet to be documented
 CSoBumpMapMatrixElementUsed to manage the bump map matrix stack
 CSoBumpMapTransformUsed to define 2D bump map transformations
 CSoBundleSuperclass for all bundle classes
 CSoButtonEventBase class for all button events
 CSoCacheSuperclass for all internal cache classes
 CSoCacheElementStores and manages the open caches
 CSoCacheHintNode containing hints about how to cache geometry
 CSoCalculatorGeneral purpose calculator for floats and 3D float vectors
 CSoCallbackNode type which provides a means of setting callback hooks in the scene graph
 CSoCallbackActionInvokes callbacks at specific nodes
 CSoCallbackListThe SoCallbackList is a container for callback function pointers
 CSoCameraAbstract base class for camera definition nodes
 CSoCameraKitNode kit with a transform and a camera
 CSoCenterballDraggerDragger you can rotate and translate
 CSoCenterballManipThe SoCenterballManip wraps an SoCenterballDragger for convenience
 CSoChildListContainer for node children
 CSoClipPlaneNode type for specifying clipping planes
 CSoClipPlaneElementUsed to manage the clip plane stack
 CSoClipPlaneManipUsed to manipulate clip planes
 CSoColorIndexUsed to specify color indices for subsequent shapes
 CSoComplexityNode type which is used to set the tradeoff between quality and performance
 CSoComplexityElementCurrent shape complexity for a graph traverser
 CSoComplexityTypeElementYet to be documented
 CSoComposeMatrixUsed to compose a matrix from miscellaneous transformations
 CSoComposeRotationUsed to compose rotations from angle and axis
 CSoComposeRotationFromToUsed to compose rotations based on from and to vectors
 CSoComposeVec2fUsed to compose 2D vectors from two floats
 CSoComposeVec3fUsed to compose 3D vectors from floats
 CSoComposeVec4fUsed to compose 4D vectors from four floats
 CSoComputeBoundingBoxUsed to calculate a bounding box
 CSoConcatenateUsed to concatenate several inputs into one output
 CSoConeFor rendering cone shapes
 CSoConeDetailInformation about the parts of a SoCone shape
 CSoContextHandlerFor now to be treated as an internal class
 CSoConvexDataCacheUsed to cache convexified polygons
 CSoCoordinate3Node for providing coordinates to shape nodes
 CSoCoordinate4Node for providing coordinates to shape nodes
 CSoCoordinateElementYet to be documented
 CSoCounterInteger counter engine
 CSoCreaseAngleElementStores the crease angle during a scene graph traversal
 CSoCubeFor rendering cubes
 CSoCubeDetailInformation about the parts of a SoCube shape
 CSoCullElementUsed internally for render and pick culling
 CSoCylinderFor rendering cylinder shapes
 CSoCylinderDetailInformation about the parts of a SoCylinder shape
 CSoDataSensorAbstract base class for sensors monitoring changes in a scene graph
 CSoDBKeeps track of internal global data
 CSoDebugErrorInternal debugging message passing mechanism
 CSoDecimationPercentageElementYet to be documented
 CSoDecimationTypeElementYet to be documented
 CSoDecomposeMatrixUsed to decompose a matrix into simple transformations
 CSoDecomposeRotationUsed to decompose a rotation into angle and axis
 CSoDecomposeVec2fUsed to decompose 2D vectors into two floats
 CSoDecomposeVec3fUsed to decompose 3D vectors into three floats
 CSoDecomposeVec4fUsed to decompose 4D vectors into four floats
 CSoDelayQueueSensorAbstract base class for priority scheduled sensors
 CSoDepthBufferNode used to control the GL depth buffer
 CSoDepthBufferElementThe SoDepthBufferElement controls the depth buffer settings
 CSoDetailSuperclass for all classes storing detailed information about particular shapes
 CSoDetailListContainer for pointers to SoDetail objects
 CSoDiffuseColorElementYet to be documented
 CSoDirectionalLightNode type for specifying directional light sources
 CSoDirectionalLightDraggerInteractive geometry for manipulating a directional light source
 CSoDirectionalLightManipUsed to manipulate SoDirectionalLight nodes
 CSoDraggerBase class for all draggers
 CSoDragPointDraggerMechanisms for moving a point in 3D
 CSoDrawStyleSpecificies common rendering properties for shapes
 CSoDrawStyleElementYet to be documented
 CSoElapsedTimeControllable time source engine
 CSoElementSoElement is the abstract base class for all elements
 CSoEmissiveColorElementYet to be documented
 CSoEnabledElementsListContainer for type info for element types that are enabled in actions
 CSoEngineSoEngine is the base class for Coin engines
 CSoEngineListContainer for SoEngine objects
 CSoEngineOutputOutput slots in SoEngine instances
 CSoEngineOutputDataContainer for a prototype set of outputs
 CSoEngineOutputListContainer for SoEngineOutput objects
 CSoEnvironmentNode for specifying global rendering parameters
 CSoEnvironmentElementYet to be documented
 CSoErrorBase class for all the error handling classes
 CSoEventBase class for all Coin events
 CSoEventCallbackFunctionality for catching events
 CSoEventManagerEvent handling for a Coin3D viewer
 CSoExtSelectionCan be used for extended selection functionality
 CSoFaceDetailFor storing detailed polygon information
 CSoFaceSetUsed to render and organize non-indexed polygonal face data
 CSoFieldTop-level abstract base class for fields
 CSoFieldContainerBase class for all classes that contain fields
 CSoFieldConverterAbstract base class for field converters
 CSoFieldDataContainer for a prototype set of fields
 CSoFieldListContainer for pointers to SoField objects
 CSoFieldSensorDetects changes to a field
 CSoFileNode container for another model file
 CSoFloatElementSoFloatElement is an abstract base class for elements that consists of a single float value
 CSoFocalDistanceElementYet to be documented
 CSoFontAppearance node for setting fonts
 CSoFontNameElementYet to be documented
 CSoFontSizeElementYet to be documented
 CSoFontStyleChanges the appearance of fonts for text rendering nodes
 CSoForeignFileKitAbstract base class for foreign file format support in Coin
 CSoFragmentShaderUsed for setting up fragment shader programs
 CSoFrustumCameraDefines a camera with a generic frustum.
 CSoFullPathAllows examination of hidden children in paths
 CSoGateUsed to selectively copy values from input to output
 CSoGeoUsed to initialize the geo nodes in Coin, and has some utility geo coordinate functions
 CSoGeoCoordinateUsed to specify a list of geographical coordinates
 CSoGeoElementYet to be documented
 CSoGeoLocationUsed to georeference the following nodes
 CSoGeometryShaderUsed for loading geometry shader programs
 CSoGeoOriginUsed to specify an absolute geographic location against which geometry is referenced
 CSoGeoSeparatorUsed to georeference a scene graph
 CSoGetBoundingBoxActionCalculates bounding boxes for nodes and subgraphs
 CSoGetMatrixActionAction for accumulating the transformation matrix of a subgraph
 CSoGetPrimitiveCountActionCounts the primitives in a scene
 CSoGLBigImageUsed to handle 2D OpenGL textures of any size
 CSoGLCacheContextElementHandles the OpenGL cache for a context
 CSoGLCacheListUsed to store and manage OpenGL caches
 CSoGLClipPlaneElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLColorIndexElementSets the current OpenGL color
 CSoGLCoordinateElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLCubeMapImageUsed to handle cube map textures
 CSoGLDepthBufferElementThe SoGLDepthBufferElement controls the OpenGL depth buffer
 CSoGLDisplayListStores and manages OpenGL display lists
 CSoGLDrawStyleElementThe SoGLDrawStyleElement updates the current draw style in OpenGL
 CSoGLDriverDatabaseUsed for looking up broken/slow features in OpenGL drivers
 CSoGLEnvironmentElementFor setting GL fog etc
 CSoGLImageUsed to handle OpenGL 2D/3D textures
 CSoGLLazyElementMeant to optimize GL rendering
 CSoGLLightIdElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLLinePatternElementChanges the line stipple pattern of the OpenGL render state
 CSoGLLineWidthElementChanges the linewidth setting of the OpenGL render state
 CSoGLModelMatrixElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElementStores the current gltexture coordinates for several units
 CSoGLMultiTextureImageElementThe SoGLMultiTextureImageElement is used to control the current GL texture for texture units
 CSoGLMultiTextureMatrixElementUsed to update the OpenGL texture matrix
 CSoGLNormalElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLPointSizeElementChanges the pointsize setting of the OpenGL render state
 CSoGLPolygonOffsetElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLProjectionMatrixElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLRenderActionRenders the scene graph with OpenGL calls
 CSoGLRenderCacheUsed to cache OpenGL calls
 CSoGLRenderPassElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLShadowCullingElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLShapeHintsElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLUpdateAreaElementYet to be documented
 CSoGLVBOElementUsed to store VBO state
 CSoGLViewingMatrixElementUsed to store the current viewing matrix
 CSoGLViewportRegionElementYet to be documented
 CSoGlyphUsed to generate and reuse font glyph bitmaps and outlines
 CSoGroupNode which managed other node instances
 CSoHandleBoxDraggerSupport for interactive scaling and translation
 CSoHandleBoxManipWraps an SoHandleBoxDragger for manipulating a transformation
 CSoHandleEventActionDistributes user events to the scene
 CSoHardCopyStatic class for initializing the hardcopy support
 CSoHeightMapToNormalMapEngine for computing a normal map from a height map
 CSoIdleSensorSensor which will trigger as soon as the application is idle
 CSoImageDraws a 2D image on the viewport
 CSoIndexedFaceSetUsed to handle generic indexed facesets
 CSoIndexedLineSetUsed to render and otherwise represent indexed lines
 CSoIndexedMarkerSetUsed to display a set of bitmap markers at 3D positions
 CSoIndexedNurbsCurveNode for representing smooth curves
 CSoIndexedNurbsSurfaceCan be used to render NURBS surfaces
 CSoIndexedPointSetUsed to display a set of 3D points
 CSoIndexedShapeSuperclass for all indexed vertex shapes
 CSoIndexedTriangleStripSetKeeps data for rendering and otherwise representing triangle strips
 CSoInfoNode for holding text information
 CSoInputAbstraction of file import functionality
 CSoInt32ElementBase class for elements that simply store a 32-bit integer
 CSoInteractionTakes care of initalizing internal classes
 CSoInteractionKitBase class for draggers
 CSoInterpolateBase class for all interpolator engines
 CSoInterpolateFloatUsed to interpolate two floating point values
 CSoInterpolateRotationUsed to interpolate between two rotations
 CSoInterpolateVec2fUsed to interpolate between pairs of 2D vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec3fUsed to interpolate between pairs of 3D vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec4fUsed to interpolate between pairs of 4D vectors
 CSoIntersectingPrimitiveStruct with collision information
 CSoIntersectionDetectionActionFor detecting intersecting primitives in a scene
 CSoJackDraggerDragger you can translate, rotate and scale
 CSoJackManipThe SoJackManip wraps an SoJackDragger for convenience
 CSoKeyboardEventInformation about keyboard interaction
 CSoLabelNode for holding label information in a scene graph
 CSoLazyElementUsed to handle material and shape properties
 CSoLevelOfDetailUsed to choose a child based on projected size
 CSoLightBase class for light emitting nodes
 CSoLightAttenuationElementYet to be documented
 CSoLightElementManages the currently active light sources
 CSoLightKitKit with a transform, a light and a shape or subgraph
 CSoLightModelNode for specifying the model for geometry lighting
 CSoLightModelElementYet to be documented
 CSoLightPathLight version of SoPath
 CSoLinearProfileNode for specifying linear profile curves
 CSoLineDetailFor storing detailed 3D line information
 CSoLineHighlightRenderActionRenders selections with line highlighting
 CSoLinePatternElementDefines the line stipple pattern
 CSoLineSetUsed to render and organize non-indexed polylines
 CSoLineWidthElementChanges the linewidth setting of the render state
 CSoListenerDefines listener attributes used when rendering sound
 CSoListenerDopplerElementThe SoListenerDopplerElement holds the doppler velocity and factor of the current listener
 CSoListenerGainElementStores the SoListener gain during a scene graph traversal
 CSoListenerOrientationElementThe SoListenerOrientationElement holds the orientation of the current listener
 CSoListenerPositionElementThe SoListenerPositionElement holds the position of the current listener
 CSoLocalBBoxMatrixElementYet to be documented
 CSoLocateHighlightHighlights geometry under the cursor
 CSoLocation2EventInformation about 2D movement events
 CSoLockManagerThe SoLockManager is a defunct software license lock mechanism
 CSoLODUsed to choose a child based distance between viewer and object
 CSoMarkerSetDisplays a set of 2D bitmap markers in 3D
 CSoMaterialNode type for setting up material values for scene geometry
 CSoMaterialBindingNode for setting up how materials are mapped to shapes
 CSoMaterialBindingElementYet to be documented
 CSoMaterialBundleSimplifies material handling
 CSoMatrixTransformTransformation node
 CSoMemoryErrorUsed to inform of problems with memory allocation
 CSoMFBitMaskContainer for a set of bitmasks
 CSoMFBoolContainer for SbBool values
 CSoMFColorContainer for SbColor values
 CSoMFColorRGBAContainer for SbColor4f values
 CSoMFDoubleContainer for double float precision point values
 CSoMFEngineContainer for engines
 CSoMFEnumContainer for a set of enumerated values
 CSoMFFloatContainer for floating point values
 CSoMFieldBase class for fields which can contain multiple values
 CSoMFInt32Container for 32-bit integer values
 CSoMFMatrixContainer for SbMatrix values
 CSoMFNameContainer for SbName values
 CSoMFNodeContainer for nodes
 CSoMFPathContainer for paths
 CSoMFPlaneContainer for SbPlane values
 CSoMFRotationContainer for SbRotation values
 CSoMFShortContainer for short integer values
 CSoMFStringContainer for SbString values
 CSoMFTimeContainer for SbTime values
 CSoMFUInt32Container for 32-bit unsigned integer values
 CSoMFUShortContainer for unsigned short integer values
 CSoMFVec2bContainer for SbVec2b vectors
 CSoMFVec2dContainer for SbVec2d vectors
 CSoMFVec2fContainer for SbVec2f vectors
 CSoMFVec2i32Container for SbVec2i32 vectors
 CSoMFVec2sContainer for SbVec2s vectors
 CSoMFVec3bContainer for SbVec3b vectors
 CSoMFVec3dContainer for SbVec3d vectors
 CSoMFVec3fContainer for SbVec3f vectors
 CSoMFVec3i32Container for SbVec3i32 vectors
 CSoMFVec3sContainer for SbVec3s vectors
 CSoMFVec4bContainer for SbVec4b vectors
 CSoMFVec4dContainer for SbVec4d vectors
 CSoMFVec4fContainer for SbVec4f vectors
 CSoMFVec4i32Container for SbVec4i32 vectors
 CSoMFVec4sContainer for SbVec4s vectors
 CSoMFVec4ubContainer for SbVec4ub vectors
 CSoMFVec4ui32Container for SbVec4ui32 vectors
 CSoMFVec4usContainer for SbVec4us vectors
 CSoModelMatrixElementUsed to manage the current transformation
 CSoMotion3EventInformation about 3D movement events
 CSoMouseButtonEventInformation about mousebutton interaction
 CSoMultipleCopyRedraws it's children multiple times at different transformations
 CSoMultiTextureCoordinateElementYet to be documented
 CSoMultiTextureEnabledElementElement which stores whether texturing is enabled or not
 CSoMultiTextureImageElementYet to be documented
 CSoMultiTextureMatrixElementUsed to manage the texture matrix stack for texture units > 0
 CSoNodeBase class for nodes used in scene graphs
 CSoNodeEngineSoNodeEngine is the base class for Coin node engines
 CSoNodeKitUsed to initialize the nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogContainer for nodekit layouts
 CSoNodeKitDetailYet to be documented
 CSoNodeKitListPartContainer node
 CSoNodeKitPathPath that contains only nodekit nodes
 CSoNodeListContainer for pointers to SoNode objects
 CSoNodeSensorDetects changes to nodes
 CSoNonIndexedShapeSuperclass for all non-indexed vertex based shapes
 CSoNormalNode for providing normals to the state
 CSoNormalBindingNode for specifying normal vector bindings
 CSoNormalBindingElementThe SoNormalBindingElement is yet to be documented
 CSoNormalBundleSimplifies normal handling
 CSoNormalCacheUsed to hold cached normals
 CSoNormalElementYet to be documented
 CSoNormalGeneratorUsed to generate normals
 CSoNotListList of SoNotRec notification records
 CSoNotRecRecords for notification lists
 CSoNurbsCurveNode for representing smooth curves
 CSoNurbsProfileNode for specifying smooth profile curves
 CSoNurbsSurfaceUsed to render smooth surfaces
 CSoOffscreenRendererUsed for rendering scenes in offscreen buffers
 CSoOneShotTimer that runs for a configurable time and then stops
 CSoOneShotSensorSensor which will trigger once
 CSoOnOffThe SoOnOff engine is a simple on/off switch
 CSoOrthographicCameraDefines a camera node with orthographic rendering
 CSoOutputAbstraction of an output stream
 CSoOverrideElementThe SoOverrideElement maintains a list of overridable elements and a list over which elements should be overridden
 CSoPackedColorNode for setting diffuse and transparency material values
 CSoPathContainer class for traversal path descriptions
 CSoPathListContainer for pointers to SoPath objects
 CSoPathSensorDetects changes to paths
 CSoPathSwitchTraverses only when current path matches a configurable path
 CSoPendulumUsed to create oscillating rotations
 CSoPerspectiveCameraDefines a camera node with perspective rendering
 CSoPickActionBase class for picking actions
 CSoPickedPointUsed for specifying picked points
 CSoPickedPointListContainer for pointers to SoPickedPoint objects
 CSoPickRayElementYet to be documented
 CSoPickStyleNode for setting up how to do picking
 CSoPickStyleElementThe SoPickStyleElement is yet to be documented
 CSoPointDetailFor storing detailed information for a single 3D point
 CSoPointLightNode type for light sources
 CSoPointLightDraggerInteractive geometry for manipulating a point light source
 CSoPointLightManipUsed to manipulate point light nodes
 CSoPointSetUsed to display a set of 3D points
 CSoPointSizeElementThe SoPointSizeElement changes the pointsize setting of the render state
 CSoPolygonOffsetNode type for "layering" rendering primitives
 CSoPolygonOffsetElementYet to be documented
 CSoPrimitiveVertexSingle vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProfileAbstract superclass for profile definitions
 CSoProfileCoordinate2Node specifying a set of 2D coordinates for profiles
 CSoProfileCoordinate3Node specifying a set of 3D coordinates for profiles
 CSoProfileCoordinateElementYet to be documented
 CSoProfileElementYet to be documented
 CSoProfilerMain static class for initializing the scene graph profiling subsystem
 CSoProfilerElementThe SoProfilerElement element class is for registering statistics during scene graph traversals
 CSoProfilerStatsNode for exposing profiling results gathered by SoProfilerElement
 CSoProfilingReportGeneratorConvenience report generator functionality
 CSoProtoHandles PROTO definitions
 CSoProtoInstanceHandles PROTO instances
 CSoPSVectorOutputUsed for writing Postscript
 CSoQuadMeshUsed to render and optimize a quadrilateral mesh
 CSoRayPickActionDoes ray intersection with scene graphs
 CSoReadErrorUsed during model import operations
 CSoRenderManagerUsed for controlling the rendering of a scene graph
 CSoReorganizeActionReorganizes your scene graph to optimize traversal/rendering
 CSoReplacedElementAbstract element superclass
 CSoResetTransformNode type which makes it possible to "nullify" state during traversal
 CSoReversePerspectiveCameraDefines a camera node with reverse perspective rendering
 CSoRotateCylindricalDraggerFor rotating geometry around a single axis
 CSoRotateDiscDraggerFor rotating geometry around a single axis
 CSoRotateSphericalDraggerFor rotating geometry in any direction
 CSoRotationRotation transformation
 CSoRotationXYZNode type for specifying rotation around a particular axis
 CSoRotorNode used to animate rotations
 CSoScaleNode type for scaling scene graph geometry
 CSoScale1DraggerMechanism for the end-user to scale in one dimension
 CSoScale2DraggerMechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions
 CSoScale2UniformDraggerMechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions
 CSoScaleUniformDraggerMechanism for the end-user to scale in three dimensions
 CSoSceneKitCollects node kits needed to set up a scene: camera, light and shapes
 CSoSceneManagerMain interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit
 CSoSceneTexture2Used to create a 2D texture from a Coin scene graph
 CSoSceneTextureCubeMapRenders a scene into a texture cube map
 CSoScXMLDollyTargetSCXML event target service for zoom-behaviour
 CSoScXMLEventAdds an SoEvent holder to the ScXMLEvent base
 CSoScXMLFlightControlTargetSCXML navigation service for typical flight motions
 CSoScXMLMiscTargetSome misc navigation utility functions
 CSoScXMLMotionTargetTo be used in parallel with other non-moving targets when parallel states are implemented
 CSoScXMLNavigationStatic class for some static init/cleanup/synchronization functions
 CSoScXMLNavigationTargetBase class for navigation system SCXML event target services
 CSoScXMLPanTargetNavigation system event target for panning operations
 CSoScXMLRotateTargetNavigation system event target for rotating operations
 CSoScXMLSeekTargetNavigation system event target for seekmotion operations
 CSoScXMLSpinTargetNavigation system event target for spinning operations
 CSoScXMLStateMachineIntegration level for using Coin events with SCXML-based state machines
 CSoScXMLZoomTargetSCXML event target service for zoom-behaviour
 CSoSearchActionMethods for searching through scene graphs
 CSoSelectionManages a list of selected nodes
 CSoSelectOneUsed to select one value from a set of values
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for all sensors
 CSoSensorManagerHandles the sensor queues
 CSoSeparatorState-preserving group node
 CSoSeparatorKitTypical set of nodes to influence a shape subgraph
 CSoSFBitMaskContainer for a set of bit flags
 CSoSFBoolContainer for an SbBool value
 CSoSFBox2dContainer for an SbBox2d vector
 CSoSFBox2fContainer for an SbBox2f vector
 CSoSFBox2i32Container for an SbBox2i32 vector
 CSoSFBox2sContainer for an SbBox2s vector
 CSoSFBox3dContainer for an SbBox3d vector
 CSoSFBox3fContainer for an SbBox3f vector
 CSoSFBox3i32Container for an SbBox3i32 vector
 CSoSFBox3sContainer for an SbBox3s vector
 CSoSFColorContainer for an SbColor value
 CSoSFColorRGBAContainer for an SbColor4f value
 CSoSFDoubleContainer for a double precision floating point value
 CSoSFEngineContainer for a single engine
 CSoSFEnumContainer for an enum value
 CSoSFFloatContainer for a floating point value
 CSoSFieldBase class for fields which contains only a single value
 CSoSFImageUsed to store pixel images
 CSoSFImage3Used to store 3D (volume) images
 CSoSFInt32Container for a 32-bit integer value
 CSoSFMatrixContainer for an SbMatrix
 CSoSFNameContainer for an SbName
 CSoSFNodeContainer for a single node
 CSoSFPathContainer for a single path
 CSoSFPlaneContainer for an SbPlane value
 CSoSFRotationContainer for an SbRotation
 CSoSFShortContainer for a short integer value
 CSoSFStringContainer for an SbString
 CSoSFTimeContainer for an SbTime value
 CSoSFTrigger"void" class used for detecting field changes
 CSoSFUInt32Container for a 32-bit unsigned integer value
 CSoSFUShortContainer for a unsigned short integer value
 CSoSFVec2bContainer for an SbVec2b vector
 CSoSFVec2dContainer for an SbVec2d vector
 CSoSFVec2fContainer for an SbVec2f vector
 CSoSFVec2i32Container for an SbVec2i32 vector
 CSoSFVec2sContainer for an SbVec2s vector
 CSoSFVec3bContainer for an SbVec3b vector
 CSoSFVec3dContainer for an SbVec3d vector
 CSoSFVec3fContainer for an SbVec3f vector
 CSoSFVec3i32Container for an SbVec3i32 vector
 CSoSFVec3sContainer for an SbVec3s vector
 CSoSFVec4bContainer for an SbVec4b vector
 CSoSFVec4dContainer for an SbVec4d vector
 CSoSFVec4fContainer for an SbVec4f vector
 CSoSFVec4i32Container for an SbVec4i32 vector
 CSoSFVec4sContainer for an SbVec4s vector
 CSoSFVec4ubContainer for an SbVec4ub vector
 CSoSFVec4ui32Container for an SbVec4ui32 vector
 CSoSFVec4usContainer for an SbVec4us vector
 CSoShaderObjectSuperclass for all shader classes in Coin
 CSoShaderParameterBase class for all shader parameter classes
 CSoShaderParameter1fUsed to define a floating point value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter1iUsed to define an integer value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter2fUsed to define a two-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter2iUsed to define a two-dimensional integer value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter3fUsed to define a three-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter3iUsed to define a three-dimensional integer value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter4fUsed to define a four-dimensional floating point value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameter4iUsed to define a four-dimensional integer value as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray1fUsed to define a floating point array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray1iUsed to define an integer array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray2fUsed to define a two-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray2iUsed to define a two-dimensional integer array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray3fUsed to define a three-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray3iUsed to define a three-dimensional integer array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray4fUsed to define a four-dimensional floating point array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterArray4iUsed to define a four-dimensional integer array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterMatrixUsed to define a matrix as shader parameter
 CSoShaderParameterMatrixArrayUsed to define a matrix array as shader parameter
 CSoShaderProgramUsed to specify a set of vertex/geometry/fragment objects
 CSoShaderStateMatrixParameterUsed to define a matrix as shader parameter whose content is derived from the traversal state
 CSoShadowCullingNode for setting the shadow style on nodes
 CSoShadowDirectionalLightNode for setting up a directional light which casts shadows
 CSoShadowGroupThe SoShadowGroup node is a group node used for shadow rendering
 CSoShadowSpotLightNode for setting up a spot light which casts shadows
 CSoShadowStyleNode for setting the shadow style on nodes
 CSoShadowStyleElementYet to be documented
 CSoShapeSuperclass for geometry shapes
 CSoShapeHintsNode containing hints about how to render geometry
 CSoShapeKitTemplates to insert what is usually needed for shape nodes
 CSoShapeStyleElementYet to be documented
 CSoShininessElementYet to be documented
 CSoShuttleUsed to oscillate between two translations
 CSoSimplifyActionBase class for the simplify action classes
 CSoSoundElementThe SoSoundElement is used for optimizing audio rendering and for turning off inactive SoVRMLSound nodes
 CSoSpaceballButtonEventInformation about spaceball button interaction
 CSoSpecularColorElementThe SoSpecularColorElement is yet to be documented
 CSoSphereFor rendering sphere shapes
 CSoSpotLightNode type for light sources with a cone shaped lightvolume
 CSoSpotLightDraggerInteractive geometry for manipulating a spotlight
 CSoSpotLightManipUsed to manipulate spot light nodes
 CSoStateManages the Coin scenegraph traversal state data
 CSoSTLFileKitSoSTLFileKit is a class for using STL files with Coin
 CSoSurroundScaleUsed to automatically scale geometry to surround other geometry
 CSoSwitchGroup node which selects one child subgraph for traversal
 CSoSwitchElementYet to be documented
 CSoTabBoxDraggerThe SoTabBoxDragger wraps a box around geometry you can then translate and scale
 CSoTabBoxManipWraps an SoTabBoxDragger
 CSoTabPlaneDraggerDragger you can translate and scale within a plane
 CSoTempPathUsed to store temporary paths
 CSoText2Node type for visualizing 2D text aligned with the camera plane
 CSoText3Renders extruded 3D text
 CSoTextDetailThe SoTextDetail stores information about a character in a string
 CSoTextOutlineEnabledElementYet to be documented
 CSoTexture2Used to map a 2D texture onto subsequent geometry in the scenegraph
 CSoTexture2ConvertAbstract base class for texture filtering engines
 CSoTexture2TransformUsed to define 2D texture transformations
 CSoTexture3Used to map a 3D texture onto geometry
 CSoTexture3TransformUsed to define 3D texture transformations
 CSoTextureCombineNode for setting texture combine functions
 CSoTextureCombineElementYet to be documented
 CSoTextureCoordinate2Set of coordinates for the mapping of 2D textures
 CSoTextureCoordinate3Set of coordinates for the mapping of 2D textures
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingSays how texture coordinates should be bound to shapes
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingElementYet to be documented
 CSoTextureCoordinateBundleSimplifies texture coordinate handling
 CSoTextureCoordinateCubeAutogenerates cubemapped texture coordinated for shapes
 CSoTextureCoordinateCylinderAutogenerates cylinder mapped texture coordinated for shapes
 CSoTextureCoordinateDefaultRemoves texture coordinates from the state
 CSoTextureCoordinateEnvironmentGenerates texture coordinates by projecting onto a surrounding texture
 CSoTextureCoordinateFunctionAbstract base class for texture coordinate generating nodes
 CSoTextureCoordinateNormalMapGenerates texture coordinates by projecting onto a surrounding texture
 CSoTextureCoordinateObjectGenerates texture coordinates by..
 CSoTextureCoordinatePlaneGenerates texture coordinates by projecting onto a plane
 CSoTextureCoordinateReflectionMapGenerates 3D reflection texture coordinates
 CSoTextureCoordinateSphereAutogenerates spheremapped texture coordinated for shapes
 CSoTextureCubeMapUsed to map a cube map onto subsequent shape nodes
 CSoTextureMatrixTransformUsed to define a texture matrix transformation
 CSoTextureOverrideElementThe SoTextureOverrideElement makes it possible to override texture elements
 CSoTextureQualityElementThe SoTextureQualityElement is yet to be documented
 CSoTextureScalePolicyNode for controlling the texture scale policy
 CSoTextureUnitNode for setting the active texture unit
 CSoTextureUnitElementYet to be documented
 CSoTimeCounterInteger counter engine
 CSoTimerQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors triggering on certain timer events
 CSoTimerSensorSensor which will trigger at given intervals
 CSoToVRML2ActionBuilds a new scene graph, using only VRML97/VRML2 nodes
 CSoToVRMLActionBuilds a new scene graph using only VRML 1.0 nodes
 CSoTrackballDraggerThe SoTrackballDragger provides the end-user with rotation and scaling interaction possibilities
 CSoTrackballManipThe SoTrackballManip wraps an SoTrackballDragger for convenience
 CSoTransform"all-purpose" transformation node type
 CSoTransformationAbstract base class for transformation nodes
 CSoTransformBoxDraggerThe SoTransformBoxDragger provides a box which can be translated, scaled and rotated
 CSoTransformBoxManipThe SoTransformBoxManip wraps an SoTransformBoxDragger for convenience
 CSoTransformerDraggerThe SoTransformerDragger provides geometry for translation, scaling and rotations
 CSoTransformerManipThe SoTransformerManip wraps an SoTransformerDragger for convenience
 CSoTransformManipUsed to manipulate transformations
 CSoTransformSeparatorGroup node preserving the current transformations
 CSoTransformVec3fTransforms 3D vectors by a matrix
 CSoTranslate1DraggerMechanism for the end-user to translate along an axis
 CSoTranslate2DraggerMechanism for the end-user to translate in a plane
 CSoTranslationNode type for specifying geometry translations
 CSoTransparencyElementThe SoTransparencyElement is yet to be documented
 CSoTransparencyTypeNode for setting the transparency type for shapes
 CSoTriangleStripSetUsed to render and control non-indexed triangle strips
 CSoTriggerAnyFan-in engine for triggers
 CSoTypeBasis for the run-time type system in Coin
 CSoTypeListContainer class for arrays of SoType objects
 CSoUniformShaderParameterBase class for all uniform shader variables
 CSoUnitsNode for setting unit types
 CSoUnitsElementYet to be documented
 CSoVectorizeActionBase class for vectorizing Coin scene graphs
 CSoVectorizePSActionUsed for rendering to a Postscript file
 CSoVectorOutputUsed for setting vector output file
 CSoVertexAttributeA generic node for providing GL vertex attributes of various types
 CSoVertexAttributeBindingNode for setting up how vertex attributes are mapped to shapes
 CSoVertexAttributeBindingElementYet to be documented
 CSoVertexAttributeBundleSimplifies vertex attribute handling
 CSoVertexPropertyCollects the functionality of various appearance nodes
 CSoVertexShaderUsed for setting up vertex shader programs
 CSoVertexShapeSuperclass for all vertex based shapes
 CSoViewingMatrixElementStores the world-to-camera transformation
 CSoViewportRegionElementYet to be documented
 CSoViewVolumeElementYet to be documented
 CSoVRMLAnchorUsed for linking to other URL resources
 CSoVRMLAppearanceVisual properties for shapes
 CSoVRMLAudioClipUsed to load and store audio data
 CSoVRMLBackgroundUsed for specifying a viewer panorama
 CSoVRMLBillboardUsed for rotating geometry towards the viewpoint
 CSoVRMLBoxUsed for representing a 3D box
 CSoVRMLCollisionUsed for collision detection with the avatar
 CSoVRMLColorUsed to specify multiple colors for a single shape
 CSoVRMLColorInterpolatorUsed to interpolate color values
 CSoVRMLConeUsed to represent a Cone object
 CSoVRMLCoordinateUsed to define 3D coordinates for shapes
 CSoVRMLCoordinateInterpolatorUsed to interpolate 3D coordinates
 CSoVRMLCylinderUsed to represent a cylinder object
 CSoVRMLCylinderSensorMaps pointer motion into rotations around the Y axis
 CSoVRMLDirectionalLightNode type for specifying directional light sources
 CSoVRMLDragSensorSuperclass for VRML drag sensors
 CSoVRMLElevationGridUsed to represent elevation grids
 CSoVRMLExtrusionA geometry node for extruding a cross section along a spine
 CSoVRMLFogUsed to specify a global scene fog
 CSoVRMLFontStyleUsed to define the current font
 CSoVRMLGeometrySuperclass for VRML shapes
 CSoVRMLGroupUsed for grouping VRML nodes
 CSoVRMLImageTextureUsed for mapping a texture file onto geometry
 CSoVRMLIndexedFaceSetUsed for representing a generic 3D shape
 CSoVRMLIndexedLineAbstract superclass for lines specified with indices
 CSoVRMLIndexedLineSetUsed to represent a generic 3D line shape
 CSoVRMLIndexedShapeSuperclass for geometry that use indexes
 CSoVRMLInlineUsed to insert VRML files into a scene
 CSoVRMLInterpolatorInternal abstract class
 CSoVRMLLightSuperclass for VRML light nodes
 CSoVRMLLODUsed to represent various levels of detail based on distance
 CSoVRMLMaterialUsed to assign a material to geometry
 CSoVRMLMovieTextureUsed the map movies onto geometry
 CSoVRMLNavigationInfoUsed to specify avatar and viewer settings
 CSoVRMLNormalUsed to bind normals to geometry
 CSoVRMLNormalInterpolatorUsed to interpolate normals
 CSoVRMLOrientationInterpolatorUsed to interpolate orientations
 CSoVRMLParentThe SoVRMLParent node is a superclass for all VRML grouping nodes
 CSoVRMLPixelTextureUsed for mapping a texture image onto geometry.
 CSoVRMLPlaneSensorMaps pointer motion into object space translations
 CSoVRMLPointLightUsed to represent a point light
 CSoVRMLPointSetUsed to represent a set of 3D points
 CSoVRMLPositionInterpolatorUsed to interpolate 3D points
 CSoVRMLProximitySensorUsed to generate events when the viewer enters or exits a region
 CSoVRMLScalarInterpolatorUsed to interpolate scalar values
 CSoVRMLScriptUsed to control the scene using scripts
 CSoVRMLSensorAbstract superclass for VRML sensors
 CSoVRMLShapeHolds geometry and geometry appearance nodes
 CSoVRMLSoundUsed to represent a sound source
 CSoVRMLSphereUsed to represent a spherical 3D object
 CSoVRMLSphereSensorMaps pointer motion into rotations on a sphere
 CSoVRMLSpotLightDefines a spot light source
 CSoVRMLSwitchGroup node for traversing selected children
 CSoVRMLTextUsed to represent text in a scene
 CSoVRMLTextureSuperclass for VRML texture nodes
 CSoVRMLTextureCoordinateBinds texture coordinates to vertex-based geometry
 CSoVRMLTextureTransformDefines a transformation applied to texture coordinates
 CSoVRMLTimeSensorMulti-purpose time event generator
 CSoVRMLTouchSensorTracks to pointer position and sends events based on user interaction
 CSoVRMLTransformGrouping node that defines a transformation for its children
 CSoVRMLVertexLineSuperclass for line based VRML geometry
 CSoVRMLVertexPointSuperclass for point based VRML shapes
 CSoVRMLVertexShapeSuperclass for vertex based shapes
 CSoVRMLViewpointPerspective camera class
 CSoVRMLVisibilitySensorWill generate events based on visibility
 CSoVRMLWorldInfoInformation about the VRML scene
 CSoWindowElementUsed to store current window attributes
 CSoWrapperKitSimple kit for wrapping a transform and a sub-graph
 CSoWriteActionWrites a scene graph to file
 CSoWWWAnchorAdds URL callbacks to the highlighted geometry
 CSoWWWInlineNode used to include data from an URL