Coin Logo Coin3D is Free Software,
published under the BSD 3-clause license.
SoGeo Member List

This is the complete list of members for SoGeo, including all inherited members.

calculateDPTransform(const SbString *originsystem, const int numoriginsys, const SbVec3d &origincoords, const SbString *localsystem, const int numlocalsys, const SbVec3d &localcoords) (defined in SoGeo)SoGeostatic
calculateTransform(const SbString *originsystem, const int numoriginsys, const SbVec3d &origincoords, const SbString *localsystem, const int numlocalsys, const SbVec3d &localcoords) (defined in SoGeo)SoGeostatic
fromGD(const SbVec3d &gd, const SbString *tosystem, const int numtosys) (defined in SoGeo)SoGeostatic
init(void) (defined in SoGeo)SoGeostatic
toGD(const SbString *originsystem, const int numoriginsys, const SbVec3d &origincoords) (defined in SoGeo)SoGeostatic