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Coin3D is Free Software, published under the BSD 3-clause license. |
https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/ http://www.kongsberg.com/kogt/ |
This is the complete list of members for SoMFVec2f, including all inherited members.
addAuditor(void *f, SoNotRec::Type type) | SoField | |
allocValues(int num) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
appendConnection(SoEngineOutput *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE) | SoField | |
appendConnection(SoField *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE) | SoField | |
cleanupClass(void) (defined in SoField) | SoField | static |
connectFrom(SoEngineOutput *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE) | SoField | |
connectFrom(SoField *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE) | SoField | |
connectionStatusChanged(int numconnections) | SoField | virtual |
container (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
copyConnection(const SoField *fromfield) | SoField | |
copyFrom(const SoField &field) | SoMFVec2f | virtual |
copyValue(int to, int from) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
countWriteRefs(SoOutput *out) const | SoField | virtual |
createInstance(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | static |
createNotRec(SoBase *container) (defined in SoMField) | SoMField | protectedvirtual |
deleteAllValues(void) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
deleteValues(int start, int num=-1) | SoMField | virtual |
disconnect(SoEngineOutput *engineoutput) | SoField | |
disconnect(SoField *field) | SoField | |
disconnect(void) | SoField | |
enableConnection(SbBool flag) | SoField | |
enableDeleteValues(void) | SoMField | virtual |
enableNotify(SbBool on) | SoField | |
evaluate(void) const | SoField | inline |
evaluateConnection(void) const | SoField | protectedvirtual |
EVENTIN_FIELD enum value (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
EVENTOUT_FIELD enum value (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
EXPOSED_FIELD enum value (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
fieldSizeof(void) const (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
FieldType enum name (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
find(const SbVec2f &value, SbBool addifnotfound=FALSE) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
finishEditing(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | inline |
fixCopy(SbBool copyconnections) | SoField | virtual |
get(SbString &valuestring) | SoField | |
get1(const int index, SbString &valuestring) | SoMField | |
getClassTypeId(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | static |
getConnectedEngine(SoEngineOutput *&master) const | SoField | |
getConnectedField(SoField *&master) const | SoField | |
getConnections(SoFieldList &masterlist) const | SoField | |
getContainer(void) const | SoField | |
getDirty(void) const | SoField | |
getFieldType(void) const | SoField | |
getForwardConnections(SoFieldList &slavelist) const | SoField | |
getNum(void) const | SoMField | inline |
getNumConnections(void) const | SoField | |
getTypeId(void) const | SoMFVec2f | virtual |
getValues(const int start) const | SoMFVec2f | inline |
initClass(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | static |
initClasses(void) | SoField | static |
insertSpace(int start, int num) | SoMField | virtual |
isConnected(void) const | SoField | |
isConnectedFromEngine(void) const | SoField | |
isConnectedFromField(void) const | SoField | |
isConnectionEnabled(void) const | SoField | |
isDefault(void) const | SoField | |
isDeleteValuesEnabled(void) const | SoMField | virtual |
isDestructing(void) const | SoField | protected |
isIgnored(void) const | SoField | |
isNotifyEnabled(void) const | SoField | |
isOfType(const SoType type) const | SoField | |
isReadOnly(void) const | SoField | |
isSame(const SoField &field) const | SoMFVec2f | virtual |
makeRoom(int newnum) | SoMField | protectedvirtual |
maxNum | SoMField | protected |
NORMAL_FIELD enum value (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
notify(SoNotList *nlist) | SoField | virtual |
num | SoMField | protected |
operator!=(const SoMFVec2f &field) const (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | inline |
SoMField::operator!=(const SoField &f) const | SoField | |
operator=(const SoMFVec2f &field) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
operator=(const SbVec2f &val) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | inline |
operator==(const SoMFVec2f &field) const (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
SoMField::operator==(const SoField &f) const | SoField | |
operator[](const int idx) const (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | inline |
read(SoInput *input, const SbName &name) | SoField | virtual |
readConnection(SoInput *in) | SoField | protectedvirtual |
referencesCopy(void) const | SoField | virtual |
removeAuditor(void *f, SoNotRec::Type type) | SoField | |
set(const char *valuestring) | SoField | |
set1(const int index, const char *const valuestring) | SoMField | |
set1Value(const int idx, const SbVec2f &value) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
set1Value(int idx, float x, float y) | SoMFVec2f | |
set1Value(int idx, const float xy[2]) | SoMFVec2f | |
setChangedIndex(const int chgidx) (defined in SoMField) | SoMField | protected |
setChangedIndices(const int chgidx=-1, const int numchgind=0) (defined in SoMField) | SoMField | protected |
setContainer(SoFieldContainer *cont) | SoField | |
setDefault(SbBool defaultVal) | SoField | |
setDirty(SbBool dirty) | SoField | |
setFieldType(int type) | SoField | |
setIgnored(SbBool ignore) | SoField | |
setNum(const int num) | SoMField | |
setValue(const SbVec2f &value) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValue(float x, float y) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValue(const float xy[2]) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValues(const int start, const int num, const SbVec2f *newvals) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValues(int start, int num, const float xy[][2]) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValuesPointer(const int num, const SbVec2f *userdata) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValuesPointer(const int num, SbVec2f *userdata) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValuesPointer(const int num, const float *userdata) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValuesPointer(const int num, float *userdata) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
setValuesPtr(void *ptr) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
shouldWrite(void) const | SoField | |
SoField(void) | SoField | protected |
SoMField(void) | SoMField | protected |
SoMFVec2f(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | |
startEditing(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | inline |
startNotify(void) | SoField | virtual |
storage (defined in SoField) | SoField | |
touch(void) | SoField | virtual |
userDataIsUsed | SoMField | protected |
valueChanged(SbBool resetdefault=TRUE) | SoField | protected |
values (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | protected |
valuesPtr(void) (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | protectedvirtual |
write(SoOutput *out, const SbName &name) const | SoField | virtual |
writeConnection(SoOutput *out) const | SoField | protectedvirtual |
~ SoMFVec2f() (defined in SoMFVec2f) | SoMFVec2f | virtual |
~SoField() | SoField | virtual |
~SoMField() | SoMField | virtual |